Welcome to my blog. It varies how regular I write posts here. I sustained a 'Traumatic Acquired Brain Injury', and a six month coma from a 'road traffic accident' whilst cycling, in October 2006. I spent the following 4 years (22-26yrs old), in a combination of hospitals and rehabilitation homes. Now, I have been living independently in Surbiton, England since October 2010. This blog begun life in December 2010, as i realised that there are many people worldwide that i want to share experiences with. I know that, as a wheelchair user, I am obviously not as mobile as i wish, so, use the internet to connect to you. I enjoy letting my thoughts represent through type. I type honestly. As numerous readers, as well as email recipients, will understand, I find typing to be very therapeutic. Thank you :)
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Annual Archives - Library (2010 - 2019)

image sample layout
1 - 2 - 3
4 - 5 - 6
7 - 8 - 9

Original images can be found in stated month 

2010/2011 including ...

The beginning _ Favourite Albums and New Music Highlights _ I shall never hang up the bike _
 Colours of the Peloton 

Original images can be found in links below

January 2011 (image 6 Initial blog-logo)
February 2011 (image 8 Rachael Yamagata, Image 9 Best album ever)
March 2011 (image 4 Japanese Nuclear disaster)
April 2011 (image 5 Royal Wedding)
August 2011 (image 1 leg shaved + electrodes , image 2 Mark Cavendish in Central London)
October 2011 (image 7 Cavendish World Champion)
December 2011 (image 3 Christmas Tree 'Emerald Snowman')

2012 including ...

Quality music _ Ronde Van Richmond _ Lucky man  _ Paris _ Bradley Wiggins _ Olympic Fever _
 What will be, will be

Original images can be found in links below

January '12 (image 9 Telephone Boxes)
March '12 (image 8 Positivity)
June '12 (images 1, 2, and 7 Trip to Paris)
July '12 (images 3 and 4 Olympics hit my home)
September '12 (image 5 Lottie, the most special, beautiful cat)
October '12 (image 6 Facial injury)

2013 including ...

Snow _ ‘Colours’ webpage _ Accesibility and Universal Design _ Art exhibition _ Sir Bradley_ No one knows

Original images can be found in links below

January '13 (Images 1, and 2 Snow hits homeland)
February '13 (Image 3 A PhotoGraphic print on sale)
March '13 (Image 9 An Espresso of Bar italia)
April '13 (Image 5 Kingston riverside)
July '13 (Image 4 21 hairpins of Alpe d'Huez)
October '13 (Image 8 My iPhone is my camera)
November '13 (Image 7 Art Deco architecture, contrasting bright pink skies in Surbiton)
December '13 (Image 6 Beauty)

2014 including ...

Riverside _ Unknown sport _ Time is running out _ RBK accessible? _ turn 30 - Shard _
 my life, being ‘different’ _ Best goal ever _ everything is nothing

Original images can be found in links below

January '14 (Image 5 North end of Westminster bridge, looking back towards Millennium Wheel)
May '14 (Image 4 Arsenal win FA Cup again)
June '14 (Image 1 World Cup in Brazll and 6 Westminster Abbey)
July '14 (Image 3 Agnes Obel at Somerset House)
August '14 (Images 2 Philippe Gilbert in Kingston, 7 Me and FA Cup, and 9 My 30th birthday)

2015 including ...

Believe in success _ Believe in yourself _ Hate Mail _ Kingston Action on Transport _ Psycho Killer _ 
Epsilon = 0 (all equates at zero)

Original images can be found in links below

February '15 (Image 6 Kingston Telephone Boxes)
March '15 (Image 9 'Would you like a flake in that, love?')
April '15 (Image 4 Pinarello using Shimano?)
May '15 (Image 7 Photography Win)
August '15 (Images 1 A GM Bear and 3 Puss in Boots)
December '15 (Images 2 Basic recipes and 5 print-work for Green Party)

2016 including ...

Daughter _ Vote Sian Berry _ It can be done _ Letter to MP _ Believe in your vote _ New Radiohead _
Farage admits mistake _ Euro 2016 _ Independent Coffee Shops _ Rolling Stones

Original images can be found in links below

January '16 (Image 5 Bianchi's Celeste colour)
April '16 (Images 4,6, and 9 Work for Green Party's Sian Berry, in London elections)
June '16 (Image 7 Euro 2016)
August '16 (Image 8 Sir Bradley Wiggins rounds the Aldwych)
September '16 (Image 8 Sir Bradley Wiggins rounds the Aldwych)
October '16 (Image 1 My Bialetti)
November '16 (Image 2 Green Party's Caroline Lucas, in Richmond)
December '16 (Image 3 Square Mile in 'The Square Mile City of London' )

2017 including ...

'Leader of the free world' _ The most important paragraph, that you will ever read. _ Why am i Green? _ 
Expect nothing, EXPERIENCE EVERYTHING _ pourquoi? _ Albert Camus Absurd

Original images can be found in links below

March '17 (Image 3 Myself at City Hall)
September '17 (Image 7 Logo designed for cityhallgreens.london )
October '17 (Images 1 Marissa Nadler, 4 My beloved Bianchi, and 6 Donald ****)
December '17 (Images 5 FOE and 8 Julie Byrne)

2018 including ...

Original images can be found in links below

Image 1- One Planet_Ride Green_Alternative_So Lucky...January '18 
 Image 2- Stay on Track _ Thank You David _ Whatever Happens _ We Can Progress Further _ Blurred…November '18
 Image 3 - Written in the Stars _ Believe in Yourself _ Content Identity _ The Start…September '18 
 Images 4 & 5- Seven Seas _ Enjoy! _ Blessing in Disguise _ Over Charged _ C’est La Vie…August '18
 Image 6- Standing on the Edge _ I Often Wonder _ Hollywood Climb _ A ‘British Mistake’…July '18 
 Image 7Existence precedes Essence_ Just Do It, Sorry! _ More, Better _ In Motion _ Battle Ahead!…June '18 
 Image 8- Progress _ Ban It _ With Everybody _  Forty Nine…May '18 
Image 9To The Sun _ Il Giglio _ Handy Scorpion _ Move On _ Point Of No Return…March '18

February '18 - Allez _ Pushing Progress _ A=B _ I Search
April '18 - Cause/Effect _ Power Crazy _ For Yourself _ Determination
October '18  Whatever Next? _ I am Different _ Only YOU _ Just go on
December '18 - Protect, Progress, Pass On _ Incredible Statistics _ Best in England _The Journey

2019 including ...

1 -  2 - 3 - 4
5 - 6 - 7 - 8
9 -10 -11-12

Original images can be found in links below

every country lives in ONE WORLD

Measure twice, cut once

February - 2 

Our biggest problem


March - 3 

We all are ONE WORLD

he still follows me… 

April - 4

Leaders only ever think about the current generation!

Everything has an opposition, somewhere…        

May - 5

‘live’ from my hospital bed

Keep it. Re-use it.        

June - 6

We need trees

Toilet for the third gender

July - 7

Do not become obsessed with desires

When you have so much choice, there is absolutely no excuse.

August - 8 

‘My sport’ on ‘my roads’!

Amazon burns

Foolish Fracking in the UK       

September - 9 

One cannot build improvements using a resource that does not exist.

British political system is broken

October - 10 

Things that are ‘swept under the carpet’, still exist!

forget plastic shower-gel and shampoo bottles 

November - 11 

… my left foot crumpled and I collapsed onto the floor.

How to be happy 

December - 12 

Very, VERY drunk

Everyone falls in love with their ‘Moka’       

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