Welcome to my blog. I post on this, roughly once a week (it does vary). I sustained a 'Traumatic Acquired Brain Injury', and a six month coma from a 'road traffic accident' whilst cycling, in October 2006. I spent the following 4 years (22-26yrs old), in a combination of hospitals and rehabilitation homes. Now, I have been living independently in Surbiton, England since October 2010. This blog begun life in December 2010, as i realised that there are many people worldwide that i want to share experiences with. I know that, as a wheelchair user, I am obviously not as mobile as i wish, so, use the internet to connect to you. I enjoy letting my thoughts represent through type. I type honestly. As numerous readers, as well as email recipients, will understand, I find typing to be very therapeutic. Thank you :)
Please note that this website cannot be viewed 100% successfully everywhere. It is designed for optimum viewing on a screen of 1920 x 1080 pixels.

Monday 31 December 2012

...and a HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!

Note a):
'Must think: 'Life is better than it was'. I had hoped for perfection (one always does), but perfection doesn't exist here on earth, only in heaven.

But, when I am low, I do struggle to find a valid purpose, which is depressing. 
But hey, it could be worse. I am forever on a journey, and things improve along all the way.

Very trivial now. I have a relatively large pile of odd socks, by my drawers. Hmmm. Some may view it depressingly (how are they odd? Where is the partner?) However, I attain a worryingly large amount of joy, in matching the socks up! Completing the sock's destiny. They are designed to live in pairs.

One of my new year's resolutions, is to 'pay less random compliments to girls'. Whilst I will continue to compliment people who I feel truly deserve a comment, i will do it less. I do not want to live up to some horrible stereotype of a wheelchair bound nutter.

I type this post successfully (i think), on my new computer that I bought before Christmas. Now, it is only the third device from which i have posted. Previously, my laptop was used here in my flat. The only other device was used back on June 6th, from Paris, my mobile phone. 

June 5th - S'il vous plait...

Back earlier in the year, I made a series of very hopeful sporting predictions.


But, enough time travelling, it's all about now! Sir Bradley was the only successful prediction, and what deserving crown to match yellow jersey and Olympic Gold medal! Well done Bradley, your success brings me such joy. Thank you.

The next note on my phone, exclaims my dismay at the large quantity of 'Bathroom consumerables' that seem to not include sustainably designed packaging. OK, our other large use of consumerablr products is food and kitchenware. Although things can always be improved, we seem to now live in a world in which we are much more aware of these issues, but only in the kitchen!!
OK, I have previously mentioned my idea for antiperspirant, but the same mentality can be applied to so many bathroom consumables. 
Am i being stupid? Does anyone know of these products already existing on a mass-scale?

OK, I visited the 'Stanley Picker gallery', the other week. I just want to give it 'a shout out'. I used to work next door in Kingston University (Faculty of Art Design & Architecture). Free entrance to the Art gallery just behind Knights Park campus. I seriously recommend. 


Now, I also provide a link to those of you who cannot view any of my YouTube videos. This is probably because you are lacking 'flash player'. Get it here:
It is free and easy (I think). There is no excuse!!

video time

Thursday 20 December 2012

Happy Birthday to me!!!!!!

Today, I celebrate the second birthday of this blog!!
In my first year (december 20th 2010-2011), I recorded 3.163 pageviews in total. I was pleased but hoping for the same success rate in the second year.
On it's second birthday (today), I see that the total pageview count has reached 9,020. This means that  it had 5,857 pageviews in this second year (an increase of 185%)
Forgive me, I like playing with statistics to promote its success!
This figure provides the value of an average of over 16 pageviews per day! Admittedly the actual value has fluctuated ridiculously, but numbers don't lie!

The 20th December marks the birthday of this blog that you read. Above I explain many of the fun facts and figures, in celebrating the popularity of this blog. However, I keep on track, and this week’s post doesn’t forget these notes that I compile on my phone, for presentation to you ‘the readers;. The people.

back in the day…(2002)

My first note this week, is a basic fact of life. Winter comes, and brings cold weather, meaning different, warmer attire is to be worn. In the summer people often like to lower their body temperature, by often wearing very little. In doing so they realise that they can often quite easily attract the opposite sex. It may be harder to do this in winter (thankfully in some cases). However, sunglasses/hats are rarely worn, meaning the eyes become visible. I have to admit, that yes, I do still quite easily get distracted from driving my wheelchair by passing a girl  with stunning eyes. Although, I realise and correct myself, it is so much better in doing this than in summer, when everyone seems to strive for aesthetic attention. Truly beautiful looking people, have beautiful looks all year round.

Ahem, right. I have made a note to myself. By typing it online, on this blog, forces me notice it and act on/believe it.
“life is better than it was. I had hoped for perfection (one always does), but perfection doesn’t exist on earth. It only exists in heaven which is different for everybody.”
Okay….. Read into that what you will.

Two much more trivial notes, to finish off. The first is to repeat my exclamation of much joy, when, I manage to find a pile of odd socks that turn out o be partners to my other pile of odd socks. Socks live in pairs, odd ones become useless rejects but it iis so good to know that their partner is out there somewhere!
Hehehe, I told you trivial, I meant pathetic!

Lastly, I need to admit to a pathetic, risky football jibe (but quite fun). As I was leaving a Christmas meal yesterday evening, several fellow restaurant customers stood up to let me in a wheelchair, reach the exit. I had my coat on, just leaving when a Tottenham fan gave me grief about the Arsenal scarf I wear. He was wearing a safe smile, I knew I could respond. So I checked the time on my watch, 8.56pm. ‘ Oh, it’s just gone five to, AGAIN’. I then made my exit.   

Friday 14 December 2012

I like THE BIKE!

I shall start this weeks post, by sharing my psychological pain concerning two of my personal possessions. Both my powered wheelchair, and my Iphone, constantly display their charge when in use. Whilst I am highly grateful for this, both lie to me. Not helpful. Since when did 100% = 150%? It seems that they can both be overcharged (not a good thing). The 100% level should not exist, as when it is turned on it uses energy straight away. GGGRRRRRRRR.

I should know that nothing is perfect, nothing is 100%, but need to accept the error.
But why claim 100%? Oh, WHATEVER!!!!!!

I post the next photos, claiming that the Bianchi brand of bicycles are still producing some beautiful bicycles, as always.

 I am in love. I can't ride a bike, but still feel attracted as ever to the picture below. Above... I use the picture to promote the blog, Titanium and Carbon Fibre only go so far, sex sells.

Winter is here, properly. Christmas is roud the corner, and yes, my neighbour definitely enjoys promoting this holiday, with lights (such a waste of energy). I took a photograph last year, as it looked like a multicolour UFO had crashed in the back garden. But no photo this year. To their credit, it is just blue and white. I refrain from the use of decorative electrical lights at Christmas. Maybe it could be argued that an over-use of electrical power, is almost criminal, when everyone is doing so well in other 'sustainable issues'.

My nameless (names anyone?) snowman sits atop my tree, balancing snowballs on his head, without a light up his arse!

... Sometimes lights ARE necessary. Above and below are pictures from my route alongside the Thames, proof that we are in Winter. If you search earlier in this blog, you will find 'summer' shots of the same area, proving that we do experience varying weather! Above, I look backwards towards Surbiton, below I am facing Kingston. I survived...

As an Arsenal fan, I have been having a tough period, but love of the club remains, and as I believe that everything equals out, I predict good things. I am not a gambling man, but I know that Arsenal will win the Champions League, this season. 

OK, there it is. I've stated what i believe. Laugh at me if you want! Bradford are years ahead of Barcelona! Ok, that bit was a joke, but, seriously... Arsenal Champion's League winners 2013.    

Wednesday 12 December 2012

Friday 7 December 2012

Shame. Maybe.

Hehehe. Hmmm. I am now ready to type away. Dark black coffee is made, I have plenty of time ahead, and, I've just whacked up the volume of some decent tunes. I include a Youtube link for you to experience what i am currently feeling.

Pete Dafeet was a friend whilst we were both at university in Loughborough. I am glad to see that he has continued his successful exploits in house music. 

Completely unrelated to life as a student is my first note. I state it on this blog, as it forces me to keep my word. Not turning completely sober, but, I am now always keeping alcohol intake minimal. I am not going on about 'the bad effects of alcohol' (they are true, and everyone knows what happens). I was on the bus home from Kingston, last friday night, and 'jeeeez', the smell. It was one of my first experiences of being out in the town centre, late  at night. Whilst I was comfortable with everything, I was given the horrible experience of extreme alcohol consumption, amongst others. Although I like a tasty pint, it scares me, brain injured, that this is a way of falling downwards on the slope of recovery, that will become less and less steep, in time.
Confused? Sorry.

I post another music clip. This week, I researched (online) what CD I wanted. Yes, it was an older album (2010), so CD it was. I searched in the one accessible CD store in kingston, no luck. Truthfully, I had been checking for a few weeks. 'Right' I thought 'download the mp3'. But no, I found the other option of buying the cd off (aka)Rainforest.com . So David Gray's 'Foundling' was bought, guiltily here. I felt guilty because Rainforest.com are taking over the world. I bet that a ridiculously high percentage of presents are bought this way. Gone is the joy of shopping, searching for that rare gift that would suit only your friend. The activity of 'shopping' now involves a computer screen.

Oh man, I sound old, I am old. David Gray 

I cry out to all fellow Arsenal fans out there:
"We are going through a tough period at the moment, for us. We cannot tread on ourselves, and beat ourselves up so much, that forces us to point a finger at Arsene Wenger. Ok, errors may have been made but no-one is foolproof. As fans, we owe it to Arsene to let him choose when he wants out. His incredible early success pays for it."

 I have previously mentioned this extremely interesting (for me) autobiographical book by Tyler Hamilton. It doesn't accuse Lance Armstrong of using performance enhancing drugs, it informs you that he did. It mentions that apparently Dr Ferrari (well known to be linked to various cycling/drug cases), did worry that banned substances such as steroids may have given Lance's cancer in the first place. 
Er Wow! Mind-blowing indeed.

I think I may be repeating myself. Anyway, even if not for the first time of hearing someone order a 'regular, skinny, de-caf, latte'. I don't understand, this self-contradicting concoction. 'Regular', reffering to size (normal/regular), fair enough. 'Skinny', refferrinng to the water-like, skimmed milk used. 'De-caf' immediately makes it an 'irregular coffee'. 'Latte' is asking for a milky coffee, negating the 'skinny' term. Oh I don't know. I just assume that there are people out there with deeeeeep psychological issues. Shame. Maybe.

Saturday 1 December 2012

A few more...

Only those of you, who know of my design education as a student, will be able to understand why I am obsessed with my local train station. Beautiful...
Designed by JR Scott, 1937

