I shall start this weeks post, by sharing my psychological pain concerning two of my personal possessions. Both my powered wheelchair, and my Iphone, constantly display their charge when in use. Whilst I am highly grateful for this, both lie to me. Not helpful. Since when did 100% = 150%? It seems that they can both be overcharged (not a good thing). The 100% level should not exist, as when it is turned on it uses energy straight away. GGGRRRRRRRR.
I should know that nothing is perfect, nothing is 100%, but need to accept the error.
But why claim 100%? Oh, WHATEVER!!!!!!
I post the next photos, claiming that the Bianchi brand of bicycles are still producing some beautiful bicycles, as always.
... Sometimes lights ARE necessary. Above and below are pictures from my route alongside the Thames, proof that we are in Winter. If you search earlier in this blog, you will find 'summer' shots of the same area, proving that we do experience varying weather! Above, I look backwards towards Surbiton, below I am facing Kingston. I survived...
I should know that nothing is perfect, nothing is 100%, but need to accept the error.
But why claim 100%? Oh, WHATEVER!!!!!!
I post the next photos, claiming that the Bianchi brand of bicycles are still producing some beautiful bicycles, as always.
I am in love. I can't ride a bike, but still feel attracted as ever to the picture below. Above... I use the picture to promote the blog, Titanium and Carbon Fibre only go so far, sex sells.
Winter is here, properly. Christmas is roud the corner, and yes, my neighbour definitely enjoys promoting this holiday, with lights (such a waste of energy). I took a photograph last year, as it looked like a multicolour UFO had crashed in the back garden. But no photo this year. To their credit, it is just blue and white. I refrain from the use of decorative electrical lights at Christmas. Maybe it could be argued that an over-use of electrical power, is almost criminal, when everyone is doing so well in other 'sustainable issues'.
My nameless (names anyone?) snowman sits atop my tree, balancing snowballs on his head, without a light up his arse!
... Sometimes lights ARE necessary. Above and below are pictures from my route alongside the Thames, proof that we are in Winter. If you search earlier in this blog, you will find 'summer' shots of the same area, proving that we do experience varying weather! Above, I look backwards towards Surbiton, below I am facing Kingston. I survived...
As an Arsenal fan, I have been having a tough period, but love of the club remains, and as I believe that everything equals out, I predict good things. I am not a gambling man, but I know that Arsenal will win the Champions League, this season.
OK, there it is. I've stated what i believe. Laugh at me if you want! Bradford are years ahead of Barcelona! Ok, that bit was a joke, but, seriously... Arsenal Champion's League winners 2013.
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