Welcome to my blog. It varies how regular I write posts here. I sustained a 'Traumatic Acquired Brain Injury', and a six month coma from a 'road traffic accident' whilst cycling, in October 2006. I spent the following 4 years (22-26yrs old), in a combination of hospitals and rehabilitation homes. Now, I have been living independently in Surbiton, England since October 2010. This blog begun life in December 2010, as i realised that there are many people worldwide that i want to share experiences with. I know that, as a wheelchair user, I am obviously not as mobile as i wish, so, use the internet to connect to you. I enjoy letting my thoughts represent through type. I type honestly. As numerous readers, as well as email recipients, will understand, I find typing to be very therapeutic. Thank you :)
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Thursday 18 July 2024

find it. live it. share it.

Remember good/bad points of the past.

Accept that good/bad points will exist in the future. Remember that the best things only exist in dreams, the worst thing is panic or fear. We only live NOW.

Your mind can hurt you. Your mind can save you. Treat it well.

Your mind is the most important thing that you have. It is supremely special, because it is totally unique. Always has been, and always will be. 

Recognise this, and respect yourself. You are an individual, be proud.

Humans are conditioned to follow the path, choose their life find a full-time job, husband/wife, to successfully settle down, have children, and live ‘happily ever after’. It is only fair enough that the largest proportion of people follow this route.

Therefore it may become dangerous for us to be missing out on the chance of an independent mentality.

Real life can be different. One’s strength of mind may teach that this pattern is only a ‘common path’. There are so many alternate routes. All people start and finish at the same places. There are climbs to high points, there are also descents to depths. Every path may seem different, but we should all relax safe in the knowledge all paths equate. Climb so high, but prepare for a descent. Vice versa, and on, and on. Do not hurt yourself, by living in anticipation, or expectancy, of something that may not ever happen. Alternatively, in contrast, avoid harming yourself by discounting possibilities. Things do happen, nothing is impossible. 

**** happens. 

I realise that this may seem like despair, but please keep faith in the fact that ‘positive’ things are just as realistic as ‘negative’ things. The big issue is us. How do we choose to react to something? Do we feel something as a ‘negative’ or a ‘positive’? Humans have the power to choose how we receive things. We must remember that everyone is different and therefore everyone will react differently. The more you feel as positive, the better not only you will feel, but those who interact with you, will feel as well. Remember, whilst there may be an obvious negative aspect of something, there is a positive. Find it. Live it. Share it. It may seem difficult, but realise that it’s possible, and definitely worth it!

find it

live it

share it

Possibly the coolest tune EVER…

Still, after 21 years, the CD bought on release opens with the perfect baseline intro…


(play loud, feel that bass!!! ) 


Friday 28 June 2024

Do what you can

A General Election in Britain on Thursday 4th July…

I’ve studied the Green Party manifesto, and summarised it by selecting a few key points/targets. This is just a list of notes that make up a personal selection. 

I have, selected only ten points from a very strong, much larger Manifesto.

I joined the Green Party almost a decade ago, holding almost completely identical beliefs. I knew that they were not the biggest party, and winning the General Election, so soon, was seemingly impossible. I always knew that change takes time, and I wanted to show that I could think for myself. I was not like most others who just closed their minds, and selected ‘Left or Right’. Britain realises now, that we are beyond this bi-lateral choice. Both are unwilling to venture out of the centre. Both are converging to the same point… there is little choice. The Green Party recognises the situation, also realising that the by acquiring greater a quantity of Green MPs, the more influence of such Green ethics both in local Councils, and our national Parliament.


Music now!

I found this Youtube address, deep down in my list of ’2023 bookmarks’ in my Web browser.

I am angry at myself, for letting it slip down, and forgetting it! 


Give Laufey a listen. Magical.

LA based of Chinese/Icelandic origin 



Thursday 20 June 2024

one by one

My powered wheelchair broke. Again. So, I am stuck inside my flat. I have switched wheelchairs, and can scoot about, but inside only. I now have time to write this! There is nothing to watch on the TV at the moment…

but  football!


I want to type this post.

Everyone has to deal with various issues.

Don’t get overwhelmed.

Stay calm.

Break them down to smaller problems. A long list, maybe, but of ‘bite-size problems’.

Review, free in the knowledge that you know what the 'taste' of each is (or how best to tackle).

Begin to tackle each small issue, one by one.

… and repeat.

Look back, see how far you’ve progressed already! Let self-confidence grow.

Keep going. 

You will see the end. Believe in yourself.

Keep going

You will reach the end successfully!



OK, I may have scared you off now, but hopefully us Brits all feel similar. Long-standing readers of this blog, will know that I joined the Green Party in 2015, working for them soon after. Prior to this date I had always voted for Labour, so you will understand that what you read is written by someone who has political views!… 

A few notes___

The past two Prime-ministers have not won any General Elections.

The most recent General Election was Boris Johnson’s victory in 2019.

Johnson was still surfing on the success of 2016’s Brexit (won by Farage lies).

Partygate, dishonesty, hand-over to another.

This is how ‘democracy’ is run by a Tory government.

Election. Liar. Failure. Failure.

'Truss announced her resignation on 20 October 2022 amid a government crisis, triggering a leadership contest.[116] On 22 October, it was reported that Sunak had the required number of supporters—100 members of the House of Commons—to run in the ballot on 24 October. The total number of MPs who publicly declared support passed 100 on the afternoon of 22 October.[117] On 23 October, Sunak declared that he would stand for election.[118] After Johnson ruled himself out of the race and Penny Mordaunt withdrew her candidacy, Sunak was announced as the new Conservative leader on 24 October.'



Thursday 23 May 2024

Power of music

Broken by a song

Wednesday, train to Clapham Junction, although undecided on my final destination, the onward bus failed to let to the ramp down successfully (as is often the case). So, I decided to stay in the town, and visit one of my favourite coffee shops.

I wasn’t feeling the best about what I no longer have. Sat inside ‘2loveTea&Coffee’, lunch was ready. Then a song played on the radio, Snow Patrol broke me. 

‘If I lay here, if I just lay here, would you lie with me, and just forget the world?’

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaah MAN, this hurts!

The song ended, I finished my lunch.


As I write this note, I remember with comfort just how perfect things were, a week before my accident. Too perfect, I knew it.. I remember knowing that something was going to happen.

EIGHTEEN YEARS AGO, almost! I smile, recognising how comfortable I was with everything. I had achieved all of my goals. I was happy. Life was complete.

Then I wake up in a hospital disabled, 6 months later, in the following year! Whattttt?!

Aaaaahhh man, I’m next to farrrrrr too many loving couples in this cafe. I’m off!

Aside from Miles Davis added to my music collection, last week, two further artists  were added.

Former Portishead lead vocalist Beth Gibbons released an initial solo album, Lives Outgrown. She has released music free of Portishead, but this is her first solo work.

Daaaaammn good it is too! 

I promise to those of you who fear a Portishead-sound too much, this is clearly an individual masterpiece!



Initially, I heard the following tune, on the radio. I immediately recognised that further investigation was needed.

Complex, progressive, Jazz would be my description. I know the album begins gently, but halfway through...WOW .

 I understand that my description maybe slightly inaccurate! 

Moons, melt, milk, light 




A brilliant Instagram account.

Full of positive notes. Make sure your mind is set correctly, read some this man’s work!


Thank you ‘Bar Italia’!

I finish positively, sharing yet another example of PERFECTION.

Hands down, the best cappuccino I’ve ever had! Grazie mille Luca!

...Finally, a General Election has been called. 

In a time where change is a MUST...

Vote for what you believe in

One key note will be that Rishi Sunak will at no point, wave a ‘Rwanda Plane’ off!


Such an evil and divisive plan, deserves NOTHING!

But it’s quite funny now ;)