Welcome to my blog. It varies how regular I write posts here. I sustained a 'Traumatic Acquired Brain Injury', and a six month coma from a 'road traffic accident' whilst cycling, in October 2006. I spent the following 4 years (22-26yrs old), in a combination of hospitals and rehabilitation homes. Now, I have been living independently in Surbiton, England since October 2010. This blog begun life in December 2010, as i realised that there are many people worldwide that i want to share experiences with. I know that, as a wheelchair user, I am obviously not as mobile as i wish, so, use the internet to connect to you. I enjoy letting my thoughts represent through type. I type honestly. As numerous readers, as well as email recipients, will understand, I find typing to be very therapeutic. Thank you :)
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Thursday 18 July 2024

find it. live it. share it.

Remember good/bad points of the past.

Accept that good/bad points will exist in the future. Remember that the best things only exist in dreams, the worst thing is panic or fear. We only live NOW.

Your mind can hurt you. Your mind can save you. Treat it well.

Your mind is the most important thing that you have. It is supremely special, because it is totally unique. Always has been, and always will be. 

Recognise this, and respect yourself. You are an individual, be proud.

Humans are conditioned to follow the path, choose their life find a full-time job, husband/wife, to successfully settle down, have children, and live ‘happily ever after’. It is only fair enough that the largest proportion of people follow this route.

Therefore it may become dangerous for us to be missing out on the chance of an independent mentality.

Real life can be different. One’s strength of mind may teach that this pattern is only a ‘common path’. There are so many alternate routes. All people start and finish at the same places. There are climbs to high points, there are also descents to depths. Every path may seem different, but we should all relax safe in the knowledge all paths equate. Climb so high, but prepare for a descent. Vice versa, and on, and on. Do not hurt yourself, by living in anticipation, or expectancy, of something that may not ever happen. Alternatively, in contrast, avoid harming yourself by discounting possibilities. Things do happen, nothing is impossible. 

**** happens. 

I realise that this may seem like despair, but please keep faith in the fact that ‘positive’ things are just as realistic as ‘negative’ things. The big issue is us. How do we choose to react to something? Do we feel something as a ‘negative’ or a ‘positive’? Humans have the power to choose how we receive things. We must remember that everyone is different and therefore everyone will react differently. The more you feel as positive, the better not only you will feel, but those who interact with you, will feel as well. Remember, whilst there may be an obvious negative aspect of something, there is a positive. Find it. Live it. Share it. It may seem difficult, but realise that it’s possible, and definitely worth it!

find it

live it

share it

Possibly the coolest tune EVER…

Still, after 21 years, the CD bought on release opens with the perfect baseline intro…


(play loud, feel that bass!!! ) 


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