Welcome to my blog. It varies how regular I write posts here. I sustained a 'Traumatic Acquired Brain Injury', and a six month coma from a 'road traffic accident' whilst cycling, in October 2006. I spent the following 4 years (22-26yrs old), in a combination of hospitals and rehabilitation homes. Now, I have been living independently in Surbiton, England since October 2010. This blog begun life in December 2010, as i realised that there are many people worldwide that i want to share experiences with. I know that, as a wheelchair user, I am obviously not as mobile as i wish, so, use the internet to connect to you. I enjoy letting my thoughts represent through type. I type honestly. As numerous readers, as well as email recipients, will understand, I find typing to be very therapeutic. Thank you :)
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Friday, 31 July 2015

don't ignore the energy

Amazingly, you all probably already know that the Tour de France concluded last weekend. The world's toughest race was won by a Briton for the third time in the last four years! Back in the days of drug cheats, British did not stand a chance. We are able to review, in disgust, how our very own Chris Boardman could only target successfully the opening prologue time trial before failing in valiant attempts to compete with cheats. As Boardman was a professional, he was forced into the 'omerta' (law of silence). Fortunately, times change.

LeTour pics
Hairpins of L'Alpe D'Huez  

Yet another screen capture, depicting L'Arc de Triomphe as circuits of the Champs Elysees are completed.

As one cannot walk, one's ability to do absolutely anything is questioned, by everyone. 'Doubt' is such huge balloon to carry. I am however, incredibly proud, so ignore those who doubt. My determination to prove them wrong, is a large driving force. It has been for the last eight years, and I will continue to use this.

Calm before the storm - KCIL (Kingston Centre for Independent Living)?
My work for KCIL is seasonal. I'm also able to offer my graphic design skills, voluntarily, elsewhere, but it seems that work loads will come and go. I guess that this is a similar situation for most people.  

I posted on the KAT blog my congratulations to the Royal Borough, It has been recognised that the borough is at the forefront of accessibility.

Some things are just 'meant to happen'. Find the positives, live through them, and you'll become positive yourself.
If down, try and find the positive reasoning as to why the negative has happened. We should not ignore the energy provided by a negative. We need to learn to use it. Using it does not mean that one should necessarily take the easy option, of creating an opposite reaction. Everyone must learn how malleable things are. How can we twist the negative, and work it's energy to our positive advantage? Basic mathematics and physics, shows us that only positive things exist.

Friday, 24 July 2015

No, YOU!

I remember being scared of falling asleep.
An alarming note to open this post. I do remember lying in my hospital bed, not wishing but scared to fall asleep, aware that I had just been asleep for the previous six months! I was not confident of my ability of waking up. This may sound crazy, but I was only very early post-comatose, and it is very true.

If you are the worst at something, then you are the best at something different, too. Find it and focus on being the best.
How I use my belief of 'omni-equality' (is that a term)? Oh well, it helps.

Exiting the toilets in my local cafe, I was given a
'Fuckin hell grrrr..' From a member of the public!
Induced a broad smile and severe politeness from me! I chuckled to myself as I could see how wrong this man was!

I doubt any of you watch the Tour De France with as much passion as myself, So I would like to exclaim my vast admiration for Peter Sagan's descent into Gap.....Into second position again, for Sagan!
Descent of Monday 20th into Gap

 Above, Chris Froome is protected as ever by a seemingly invincible Sky team.
Below, the hairpins of a  new climb, 'Lacets des Montvernier'. Attractive but incomparable to those of L'Alpe D'Huez (tomorrow's stage)

I claim psychological strength, having battled through so much, but am hurt so much when I look in the mirror. Unfortunately people view your appearance, before attempting to feed from your mind.

I get angry with myself, for becoming angry by someone who was essentially being kind to me. Angry because he was being too kind.
I was crossing the road to work (i admit that it was just before the 'zebra crossing'). I waited until there was plenty of space. The nearest lane was free, and there was a closing cyclist in the opposing lane (who was going to be past me by the time I reached the other side of the road. I begin to cross the first lane. As I do, I am alarmed! The oncoming cyclist has slowed to a stop. 
I stop out of surprise!
"Allowing you to cross." He Responds
Nervously I am aware that I am sat stationary in the middle of the road.
"No, you..."
"No, you..."
"No! YOU!"
Eventually he continues, and I can escape to freedom. Grrrrrrrrrrrr!
I am angry, as I feel belittled. I am angry at myself, as he was being kind. I cannot readily accept such offerings, as it would turn me into an utterly pathetic, danger. I am not.

Music favourites of the current moment...


My favourite topic, fate.
Some things cannot be explained. However, I believe that everything that does happen, should happen. Only in the distant future can we look back, into the past, and find an answer to why things happen. Life occurrences  may be tough to accept in ‘the present’, but personally, I am confident that a positive will be experienced in the future (or had been so, in the past) that will balance this.
Perhaps even more theologically, it could be argued that those who believe in their own fate, should accept their route, and realise that there is more pain in fighting against your own fate, instead they should learn to live it and be concentrating on the positives. 
Destiny is a whole different issue. Destiny is what our fate leads us to. Everyone has different fates and destinies. Similarly, one’s destiny can only truly be found by looking back, historically. One can only judge another’s destiny when the other person’s fate has finished, and they have left us. Our fate is our path of life, and our destiny is what we achieve along the way.

We cannot pick and choose our individual fates and destinies. I am yet to be convinced, but it can be argued that both are pre-determined. I do think that our fates are pre-determined. It is much easier just to accept our fate, as battling against it will result in failure. We should all accept our fate, find the positives, relaxing happily on these. 

Friday, 17 July 2015

... play on

"You are a good driver"
"I'm a pro. I do it for a living"
A comment given to me, and my response. The workman thanked me for successfully negotiating my wheelchair through a tight gap of various paint pots and bowls. Proud of myself, I gave the sarcastic response. It made me smile as I was able to recognise the skills I had necessarily developed over the recent years.

Fly Golden Eagle are a band that I only recently discovered through 6Music (but their first release was much earlier. I am late!)

The kid thrust back his bottle, took a step closer, staring in amazement.
I was amused, travelling home, yesterday. A mother stepped aside, allowing me space. As I progressed, a young child appeared. He stepped off of his scooter, towards me, just gazing in amazement.
His mother then had the difficult job of explaining what a wheelchair is.
I smiled, and was gone!

The Tour is being dominated by Brit Chris Froome, but we are just over halfway...
My favourites, Movistar in team time-trial mode...

I visited Central London last week, utilising my map on my mobile phone. I was amazed to find the Millennium Wheel, spinning around on my phone! I guess map-reading has evolved!
Small things...

I do not have the new album yet (released today)
'Born in the Echoes' by The Chemical Brothers, promises a lot...

Friday, 10 July 2015

Sprint King

The battle that I witness. Commercially, there is only one winner. However, I spotted this confrontation early, and rest comfortably on my morals. Taste helps me!
Frappe v Americano+water+money ?
My high principles will not allow my money to be misspent for a multi-national, greedy corporation, serving nothing but sugar and fat, claiming it is coffee! Don't fall for it.
There is nothing more refreshing than ice-cold water. If coffee is needed as well, have coffee. Just coffee.

I witness other disabled, wheelchair users. My feeling of despair for their situation may be balanced by a crazy feeling of immense pride and gratitude. Most users are accompanied by a carer or someone who is co-living their life. The fear of having to settle for this was insurmountable and drove me forward, through key stages of rehabilitation. I am now so used to living independently, but I want more.

You're a good shopper 
A comment that I was given by a till-worker, whom regularly serves me at my local supermarket. Further pride is gained here, as I recognise that I do shop sensibly. I do not accurately pre-calculate what is to be bought, but I am confident in my mental ability of balancing prices of what goes in my basket! Quality never drops! Quantity always suffices! Obsolescence is always avoided.

Midway through it's fifth year, my blog has had key highlights...


Beliefs of Fate/Destiny



You flirt with everyone

30th birthday 

A load of rubbish

Angel Olsen

I rediscovered an artist, whose album was released last year, but superbly suited my mood this week...

NME free
Big news! I heard on the radio that there are plans for NME to become a free newspaper! I do not know much else, but this is such a devastating result of the current state of the commercial music industry.

I love my mobile phone
I am not giving details but, twice my mobile phone rang this past week, surprisingly, informing me of potentially very good news for me!

I feel despair. Waterloo suits, bless them. They do not live. Everyday robots, shipped in on trains to earn money. I am so glad that I am different.
I made the above note yesterday, whilst on the Southbank during 'rush hour'. I remember how I used to feel sadness and despair at my situation, and desire to be one. I have reached an age now that I no longer feel this angst. I have instead, twisted it, suiting myself.

And finally...
(Mark Cavendish - winner of stage July 10, Tour de France)

... A mighty fine sprint, by the true Sprint King!

Friday, 3 July 2015


I begun the last week, on a super-relaxing holiday, with close family,  en angleterre (sud-est)...
Hmmm. It worries me, sometimes, that when I am not happy, people know. This could obviously be reversed into a positive, but no. I am too used to living independently. I am soooooo used to living a very simple life, I get upset/angry when I find out that there is soooooo much more that I really want to be able to do, but I cannot. I am used to living resourcefully, limited. It upsets me, realising that there is soooooo much more to life, outside of my bubble! Obviously, I try to grow my 'bubble', with time. I have successfully grown my 'bubble' well, for eight years!

Maybe it is the sunny weather! I cannot bear everyone smiling, if I am already feeling downish.
However, it is end of the week now, Canadian family begins to arrive, this weekend, Le Grand Depart of LeTour is tomorrow, and the sun has got it's hat on! Hip hip HOORAY!!! This coffee is good!

Everything equals. Call on this fact, when needed. It means that the sum of all negatives equals the sum of all positives. Make sure you can find the positives, and live through these.

Sun 34

... A screenshot of my iPhone from Wednesday 1st!! We are just beginning summer, but, 'oh man, in Surbiton we do things properly!'

I just cannot help but speak the truth
The above note shows part of the reasoning behind my new 'self-confidence'. Just like this blog, I happily speak truthfully, ensuring that output is positive only. It has only been in recent years that I have truly developed this. I live with nothing to hide. I am in a wheelchair, and my disability is obvious! I speak the truth and it is well received. People will not understand what I have been through, so there is no point in painting a picture. It is so much easier to just speak the truth. People are happy to hear the truth.  

Wakehurst Place
... Visited, whilst away, these three photos were chosen, showing the simple but powerful contrast between the beauty of nature, and the strength of humanity.