Fear not, I do not suffer a horrible illness, through which I lose my arms, yet. I merely state, how I am without a trusty companion. To understand, you'll have to read my previous post, as I have banned all talk of the beverage.
.... I am thirsty, and do want one, but no i resist the temptation.
I look on my mobile phone for notes that I have created as topics for unilateral conversation (I know that modern-day-dictatorship is possible, thanks Dave and Boris).
Anyway, change of topic, before i go into explaining how appalled and flabbergasted i am, to be a 'londoner' (sometimes). My first note is not politically controversial by any means (i don't think). I know I constantly state how lucky i am, but personally, i feel so incredibly lucky, whenever I see other wheelchair users and witness various difficulties that occur. I am 'one of them', and so i make no attempt to claim alternatives (I have spent years of rehabilitation so far, to learn how to live whilst disabled, and am doing so). Confused? I think i have confused myself! oops. Although I am physically disabled, I feel confident in my mental ability, and realise that i often have to call on my mental strength, when attempting to overcome physical problems. It troubles me when I see those who have the same physical disabilities (or similar), but are not supported by their mental strength.
Right, sorry, enough egocentric megalomania.
Issues, I had them quite strongly earlier in the week. With whom, you may ask, and I am afraid that I cannot go into detail. I had a quite marvelous form of recovery. I could rely on no psychological clever 'get-out clauses'. Instead, I found a gem that I had hidden from myself at Easter, a Cadburys Creme Egg. MMmmmm, mmmmm. I followed this delight with a double espresso, which hit me back into shape. A very good cure - creme egg and double espresso.
What do I do when a totally random, hot girl, passes me with a 'hello', and her boyfriend gives me a very suspicious look. Hehehe. Hmmm. I then spent the whole duration of my trip home, scheming a funny response that i should have given. No, I shall not post on this blog, my thoughts. I have none (honest).
I am actually a very early way through creating a printed book of my blog's initial year.
Above: initial cover design. Too boring methinks
Basically, I know that there is plenty of useful information upon this blog (for me, maybe someone else too). A physical entity of a blog book, would be a good way of holding its birth. Obviously I would not be able to incorporate the video clips that can be found on this website. Any thoughts or ideas are welcome? Good idea?
I was in a cafe, at lunch from work, and, to my horror I noticed that EVERYONE (including me, as i noted) was playing with their mobile phones. Not, reading, working, or with friends, but transfixed by the screen of their mobile phones. My final note, as found on my phone not a notebook is just that 'we don't need to socialise anymore'. This scary fact is becoming more and more real in every way. When you go shopping, we are now encouraged either to use the internet and wait for a package to arrive through the post. Or, we shop and are encouraged to use a 'self-service checkout'. We buy from no-one. I hear that petrol has a similar problem. HHmmmmm.
Or is it just me? Is it that I have been learning to do everything (or as much as possible), independently or with as little help as possible? Probably the biggest problem-affected area is music. There is no social interaction in buying music anymore. Everyone has been forced to buy an Ipod, sitting in front of their computer, downloading music for themselves.
Or is it just me? This blog is a 'friend'. A 'traumatic brain-injury' , sure is life changing.
What? What's this? Now the FA Cup final starts at 5.15, not 3pm? I'm getting old.