Welcome to my blog. It varies how regular I write posts here. I sustained a 'Traumatic Acquired Brain Injury', and a six month coma from a 'road traffic accident' whilst cycling, in October 2006. I spent the following 4 years (22-26yrs old), in a combination of hospitals and rehabilitation homes. Now, I have been living independently in Surbiton, England since October 2010. This blog begun life in December 2010, as i realised that there are many people worldwide that i want to share experiences with. I know that, as a wheelchair user, I am obviously not as mobile as i wish, so, use the internet to connect to you. I enjoy letting my thoughts represent through type. I type honestly. As numerous readers, as well as email recipients, will understand, I find typing to be very therapeutic. Thank you :)
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Wednesday, 30 May 2012

...as i was saying,...

I continue tonight, this weeks post, which i started (below), but did not finish.

... anyway, the main note that i want share with you, is of the good mood i have in wearing my hat. Worn regularly over the past week, it has been merited by the large spells of sunshine, that we have seen - all good. My hat provides me with sufficient confidence, when out and about, that I am not seen/remembered as 'the one in the wheelchair', but 'the one with the hat (and in the wheelchair)'. Now, that may sound silly but i think that it is true and therefore does affect my mental state/confidence.

Viewing down, over my handlebars of my celeste baby, remembering. Complete in my summer hat!

I also want to share my joy in rediscovering the delicious summer drink, Orangina. Personally, although i am a caffeine lover, for me, there is nothing better than an Orangina to quench one's thirst on a hot, sunny day.

mmmm. delicieux.....

OK, we all have a pre-determined fate, so why do we make ourselves suffer pains/problems/anguish in trying to form our own fate or to reach a destiny that we choose. We cannot choose our own destiny, so why mess with fate? What will be, will be. 

Tuesday, 29 May 2012

i'd rather be here than anywhere...

The first note to be talked about this week may involve the effects of the good, sunny weather, that we finally see in 2012. Last week I was returning from the riverside, after I complimented a middle-aged woman for wearing a briliiant, classy hat (it was). I realised that i was not hitting on sexy young girl, but complimenting someone, honestly. It made me realise how easy it is to create such a positive, if I feel someone deserves a positive comment. I know that positive comments can have negative effects, but need to remind everyone that, essentially, if something is positive, we can double this by telling someone else about it.

Sorry, I've just re-read that and it probably makes no sense at all, ah well.

My first reference of 'Music', is of my support of a group called Smoke Fairies. They released their second album on monday, 'Blood Speaks', and fear not (although I was scared that it could not live up to their first). It does easily in my opinion. An easy-listening, female group, verging on a weird folk/indie sound. Decent.

My second  'Music' reference, was noted as i travelled along the river from Kingston, home to Surbiton. I think that by searching through this blog, you will read of my psychological difficulties of travelling through Kingston pub crowds in my wheelchair. I have found a new tactic, that is higly insociable, but works. Wearing a hat, headphones, i focus on about 50m ahead of me, not engaging eye contact with anyone, but still experiencing the warm sun and beauty of the riverside. As soon as i slow to look at someone or something, i begin to get depressed about life in my 20s. I continue, happily focussed, on my music....

warning, those who can't stand Mr Ashcroft, do not play!  

My experience in Kingston, was not a nice one (fear not, the town is brilliant).I had noted that we had had only two days of sun, yet everyone had been 'tangoed'. Fake tans, er right, fair enough, if you are that insecure fair enough (seriously). However, when fake tan goes wrong, i don't think you should carry on applying. Females should know when they've been tangoed, and should not flaunt everything they've got at everyone in the world. The sun is good, don't ruin it.

We've a couple of bank holidays approaching, the sun's out, everyone's happy, but do we really need to overkill the union jack?
I suppose we are not used to being nationalistic, compared to countries like France (Celebrating the revolution on Bastille Day) and USA (celebrating independance on 4th July). In opposing fashion, (we are celebrating our monarchy), i cannot decide whether or not it is slight nationalist overkill.

Another issue that hurt me for a very very strange reason was noted on this past 'sunny saturday'. I found it strange that, no, unusual that, the streets which are 'mine' (i use regularly) mid-week, are owned by others. Of course, all kings of castles return home from their finance generation of midweek. Their wonderful castles can now be shown off, with beautiful accompaniments of stunning queens with their princes or princesses. Steady on, all i want is a coffee at MY cafe. Unfortunately there are actually people who live in these castles, and drive their fast cars just down the end of the street! GGrrrr, i'll stop.

Tuesday, 22 May 2012


Asides from being the second greatest song from my favourite act, at the greatest of all festivals (I was there, 9 years ago!). The title of the song is supposed to be a reference to my extreme mathematical skills, and explaining that anomalies do exist! Possibly, maybe....

Basically, PARTY i have just reached over 5000 page-views of this website. This number is way too high for me to really comprehend. But hey, it sounds like a big, landmark, and an excuse to play some decent sounds and celebrate. I've got the latte and chocolate, so added the music for complete satisfaction.

I would also like to celebrate with you, about the nice weather. Sun, it's finally here properly. I consequently got led to zip along the riverside, as popular as ever in the sun. On my travels, I made a note: 'the sun= river :s :D'
The sun led me to the riverside, and whilst I did feel certain psychological problems/issues (as often explained previously on this blog), these negative thoughts were easily squashed out of my mind by the SUN! Everything, everything, everything, EVERYTHING revolves around the sun! If anything is perfect, it is the sun.

Saturday, 19 May 2012

parte deux...

I continue, as yesterday, I broke away, to test my timing and my ability of attending a 'french conversation' course, which I plan to, in June. I did, all was seemingly good. We'll see.

Anyway, I type distracted by the first summit finish of the Giro 2012. Momentous, i feel. I noted on my phone, something that i should state on my blog, and therefore believe in, and act on.
I come across a girl, attractive, and in a position for me to flirt with. I would usually attempt a flirt. But NO i shall not. Having the outgoing confidence to flirt is good, but not normal, and is indirectly self-demoting. But she's nice, But NO. AAAARGH aawwwww.

OK, Basso didn't win, but there's still around a week to go. Hmmm.
I continue, I visited the dentist in Kingston hospital (to arrange a wisdom tooth extraction). To cal all nerves, i was told that i will 'like the dentist, because i like to open my mouth'! Haha!

I had to act very well, the other day. I was sat in 'my' cafe the other day, when i noted on my phone
' should stay quiet. Sitting next to 2 mothers talking about their youngchildren learning to ride bikes'
It was great to hear of the strife and success involved. I had to button my lips often. I had supplied a few comments earlier on, which were greatly received. I knew that whilst i was OK to share my passion for Lego and Playmobil, I had to remain silent with regards to my passion of cycling. Two young mothers conversing about encouraging the children to cycle, sitting next to a wheelchair-bound man, should not and were not leaked any information about cycling, from me.

J'ai un chapeau!

Still newly owned, as i type, I am pleased with my hat. It negates the need for sunglasses, and does the same job successfully. I value the fact that eyes can be viewed, as I do not like people who want to rise above everyone else, hiding their eyes.

Friday, 18 May 2012

Rules exist, to be broken...

Ciao ciao,
Er, right. You can refer to the post title, however you wish. It may seem a pushing, controversial statement. I do not intend this at all. I am not a revolutionary, I just try to allow for me to disregard my self-imposed ban on 'coffee-talk' in this blog. As you may realise, it is a large part of my life, i would not be painting a fair portrayal, if i banned all talk of it.

Right, unusually it is the morning, so i do not need a coffee whilst typing. My first note is to promote Cafe Calabrese. The owner had run a brilliant cafe in Surbiton previously (whilst I was in a rehab home just around the corner). This new cafe is now very close to my family's home, on Coombe Road (near Norbiton station). Brilliant cappucino. If you're ever around the area, make a visit. Good coffee, served with a smile. Whilst on the subject (sort of), I was enjoying my local independent cafe, the other day, recognising their seemingly unique brilliance of only expecting pay, after you drink (unless you take a coffee out, 'to go' - tut tut). I got confused when the woman at the next table ordered what i noted as a 'pscyzophrenic coffee', for it was a 'a regular de-caff, skinny latte'. Four descriptive words, ok. She was creating her own recipe, so much description was allowed. 'A regular', is the new term used by people to say 'medium', but do we really need to state this? Do we not just specify if it is 'small' or 'large'? A 'de-caff'. Right, fair enough, coffee-less coffee. A 'skinny', is using half-fat milk (i presume), however she is having a latte (so milk is needed). Out of the four terms that she used, virtually all cancel each other out. I would have just served her a cup of water (much easier, and cheaper). OK, warm water.

Music, I update you with my current choices. Although, I enjoy listening to female musicians, I am male and recognise the skill and strength of male voices. After all, my favourite artists are Radiohead, Jeff Buckley, and The Verve. Recently, I have increased my Bob Dylan archive (a never-ending task). I also bought my second solo album of Mark Lanegan. Admittedly, I was quite late to discover, but i do remember listening to and singing to the album of himself duetting with Isobel Campbell 'Ballads of Broken Seas', whilst i was in hospital recovering initially from my coma.

Mark Lanegan

Friday, 11 May 2012

Sporting tips/bets

I am confident in my sporting heroes, this summer. However, I face the issue, that if I wasn't a serious fan of these heroes, then I would bet or gamble money on their successes. I am a fan so therefore i do not want to risk their failure AND  the loss of money. I am serious about all of these predictions. I am stating them online on this blog, because when they succeed, I want to be able to say 'i told you so'. I don't go into detail, just tell you the resulting winner.

1) Right, the reason that I state predictions tonight, is that tomorrow is the start of the 'Giro - proper'. Firstly, Ivan Basso will win the overall competition of the Giro D'Italia 2012.

2)Mark Cavendish will win the olympic road race (cycling).

3)Bradley Wiggins will be the first ever Briton to win the Tour de France, July 2012.

4)England will win the European Championships 2012 (football)

Sunday, 6 May 2012

I am unarmed...

Fear not, I do not suffer a horrible illness, through which I lose my arms, yet. I merely state, how I am without a trusty companion. To understand, you'll have to read my previous post, as I have banned all talk of the beverage.

.... I am thirsty, and do want one, but no i resist the temptation.
I look on my mobile phone for notes that I have created as topics for unilateral conversation (I know that modern-day-dictatorship is possible, thanks Dave and Boris).

Anyway, change of topic, before i go into explaining how appalled and flabbergasted i am, to be a 'londoner' (sometimes). My first note is not politically controversial by any means (i don't think). I know I constantly state how lucky i am, but personally, i feel so incredibly lucky, whenever I see other wheelchair users and witness various difficulties that occur. I am 'one of them', and so i make no attempt to claim alternatives (I have spent years of rehabilitation so far, to learn how to live whilst disabled, and am doing so). Confused? I think i have confused myself! oops. Although I am physically disabled, I feel confident in my mental ability, and realise that i often have to call on my mental strength, when attempting to overcome physical problems. It troubles me when I see those who have the same physical disabilities (or similar), but are not supported by their mental strength.

Right, sorry, enough egocentric megalomania.
Issues, I had them quite strongly earlier in the week. With whom, you may ask, and I am afraid that I cannot go into detail. I had a quite marvelous form of recovery. I could rely on no psychological clever 'get-out clauses'. Instead, I found a gem that I had hidden from myself at Easter, a Cadburys Creme Egg. MMmmmm, mmmmm. I followed this delight with a double espresso, which hit me back into shape. A very good cure - creme egg and double espresso.

What do I do when a totally random, hot girl, passes me with a 'hello', and her boyfriend gives me a very suspicious look. Hehehe. Hmmm. I then spent the whole duration of my trip home, scheming a funny response that i should have given. No, I shall not post on this blog, my thoughts. I have none (honest).

I am actually a  very early way  through creating a printed book of my blog's initial year.

Above: initial cover design. Too boring methinks

Basically, I know that there is plenty of useful information upon this blog (for me, maybe someone else too). A physical entity of a blog book, would be a good way of holding its birth. Obviously I would not be able to incorporate the video clips that can be found on this website. Any thoughts or ideas are welcome? Good idea?

I was in a cafe, at lunch from work, and, to my horror I noticed that EVERYONE (including me, as i noted) was playing with their mobile phones. Not, reading, working, or with friends, but transfixed by the screen of their mobile phones. My final note, as found on my phone not a notebook is just that 'we don't need to socialise anymore'. This scary fact is becoming more and more real in every way. When you go shopping, we are now encouraged either to use the internet and wait for a package to arrive through the post. Or, we shop and are encouraged to use a 'self-service checkout'. We buy from no-one. I hear that petrol has a similar problem. HHmmmmm.

Or is it just me? Is it that I have been learning to do everything (or as much as possible), independently or with as little help as possible? Probably the biggest problem-affected area is music. There is no social interaction in buying music anymore. Everyone has been forced to buy an Ipod, sitting in front of their computer, downloading music for themselves.

Or is it just me? This blog is a 'friend'. A 'traumatic brain-injury' , sure is life changing.
What? What's this? Now the FA Cup final starts at 5.15, not 3pm? I'm getting old.