Asides from being the second greatest song from my favourite act, at the greatest of all festivals (I was there, 9 years ago!). The title of the song is supposed to be a reference to my extreme mathematical skills, and explaining that anomalies do exist! Possibly, maybe....
Basically, PARTY i have just reached over 5000 page-views of this website. This number is way too high for me to really comprehend. But hey, it sounds like a big, landmark, and an excuse to play some decent sounds and celebrate. I've got the latte and chocolate, so added the music for complete satisfaction.
I would also like to celebrate with you, about the nice weather. Sun, it's finally here properly. I consequently got led to zip along the riverside, as popular as ever in the sun. On my travels, I made a note: 'the sun= river :s :D'
The sun led me to the riverside, and whilst I did feel certain psychological problems/issues (as often explained previously on this blog), these negative thoughts were easily squashed out of my mind by the SUN! Everything, everything, everything, EVERYTHING revolves around the sun! If anything is perfect, it is the sun.
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