‘That’s a nice way to travel!’
I was greeted by this comment, whilst by the riverside, in the sun. I knew that he had made a humongous error by smirking with friends whilst stating those words. I went straight passed, ignoring the comment. The words were worth nothing, and I realised that he can’t have known what he was talking about. I continued on home. The fewer people who need to experience this way of life, the better. End of.
We must be grateful to our past (everyone in history). Humanity exists because of yesterday.
In turn, we must let evolution continue. We owe it to the future.
We cannot just live, greedily, for now!
We have to use our current knowledge, as a benefit to the future.
Humanity owes humanity.
London elections tomorrow.
Please vote.
Understand who you are voting for. Do not just vote as you always have.
There are many, many options now.
Please do this properly. We must respect our democracy and our freedom to vote.
Do not be afraid to vote for a ‘lesser option’. Every vote counts equally.
Your choice may not win, but believe me, your vote will still be worth something!
The elected council will be able to look and see quantities of support for different causes!
Do what you think is right ‘for NOW and the future’.
We cannot change the past, only learn from it, for the future.
Shame must hang on those people who choose not to vote, but then claim to have any valid conscience despite! You have a voice, use it!
Turin May 8th
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