Welcome to my blog. It varies how regular I write posts here. I sustained a 'Traumatic Acquired Brain Injury', and a six month coma from a 'road traffic accident' whilst cycling, in October 2006. I spent the following 4 years (22-26yrs old), in a combination of hospitals and rehabilitation homes. Now, I have been living independently in Surbiton, England since October 2010. This blog begun life in December 2010, as i realised that there are many people worldwide that i want to share experiences with. I know that, as a wheelchair user, I am obviously not as mobile as i wish, so, use the internet to connect to you. I enjoy letting my thoughts represent through type. I type honestly. As numerous readers, as well as email recipients, will understand, I find typing to be very therapeutic. Thank you :)
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Friday, 27 November 2020

I am just different

 I am just different, and that’s ok

(click weblink below, not the picture above)!


Truthfully, I am not entirely sure if I feel totally fine with this stance (as presented in video above). However, I welcome this clip as it begins to show how different everyone is. I doubt that anyone is totally comfortable being ‘disabled’, but we must all realise that everyone is different, and people will react differently. People will not be able to fully conceptualise themselves, in another’s position. They can’t because they may not know how ‘able’ the other person is. As the video explains, some people are more ‘comfortable’  mentally, with their situation, than others. This fact extends to everyone on Earth.

I cannot tolerate regular humans who see me, my wheelchair, and then they panic, their minds shout at them, telling them that they will have to change everything that they say to ‘SIMPLE’... 

I am used to this. This just reflects onto them showing their clear lack of ability to adapt. 

ALWAYS BE READY to adapt. 

No-one’s life is certain. 

Life is not constant. Life is not static. 

Life’s an ocean. 

Readers will be aware of my situation (maybe not fully, but hey). 

The Disability Paradox.

There are obviously many, many chances or opportunities that were taken from me, in my accident, as well as a few key abilities which I will forever work hard to restore. The chances, however, were lost for good. 

I do, also know that there are many things that I have gained or learnt, from the situation.

Two of the biggest things could be cited as contradictory. I have obviously lost the ability to walk, but I have discovered my ability to call on my immense self-belief and self-confidence (perhaps they always existed but were never called upon)!

Crazy, maybe, but that’s how I feel!

We all must be fully aware that everyone is different, so it is tough to cite the negatives for some, but also desperately difficult to find the positives for others.

Please believe though, they DO EXIST! 

Part of our life’s mission, is to search for, and discover them. What have YOU got, which is needed in some way by another human being? 

Screwed up

I own up.

I was screwed up!

As foretold, in the previous post (http://patrickgoodacre.blogspot.com/2020/11/everybody-is-alone.html), I had surgery on Tuesday to remove a screw which had become loose. I used to have a screw loose, but now I have no excuses! The screw’s position was shown in this graphic (horizontally in my heel, holding the much larger ‘vertical ‘nail’ in place)…

I had predicted that it would only be a ’tiny screw’, and essentially it wasn’t doing that much…

I was half right, removal was approved.

A local anaesthetic. A sheet was positioned covering my view, as the surgeon (and staff) began work.

OUCH! I was warned of the sharp scratch on the heel as anaesthetic was given. From then on I could not feel my foot (fortunately). Over the top of the sheet, I could see the surgeon and staff talking with me and themselves, whilst below, they were busy at work.

A very surreal experience. No pain whatsoever. Essentially, a very good, successful operation.


Then I asked to take a photo of what they have removed…

Two... I was slightly surprised at the size!


So this vast issue is gaining some recognition, worldwide! Finally.


Above is the weblink to a site that I have made, suggesting small-steps that we can all make to live a more sustainable lifestyle. The site was born in June 2020.

Podcast interviewing Sian Berry...

Get to know the Green candidate for London Mayor election 2021



Sian's official website...


To finish this post, a tribute to one of the best footballers ever, the late, great Diego Maradona, given tremendously by Gary Lineker....


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