Welcome to my blog. It varies how regular I write posts here. I sustained a 'Traumatic Acquired Brain Injury', and a six month coma from a 'road traffic accident' whilst cycling, in October 2006. I spent the following 4 years (22-26yrs old), in a combination of hospitals and rehabilitation homes. Now, I have been living independently in Surbiton, England since October 2010. This blog begun life in December 2010, as i realised that there are many people worldwide that i want to share experiences with. I know that, as a wheelchair user, I am obviously not as mobile as i wish, so, use the internet to connect to you. I enjoy letting my thoughts represent through type. I type honestly. As numerous readers, as well as email recipients, will understand, I find typing to be very therapeutic. Thank you :)
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Friday, 29 March 2013

...smacking me in the face,

I have had an eventful/uneventful week with my wheelchair. I need to let off some steam.
Importantly, disastrously, i found yesterday that I had somehow deleted and lost all of my notes for this week's post, that i had been compiling on my phone. I remember a few, so here goes...

I remember that last Saturday, not only was it still wintry cold, but it was infact sleet/snow.

St Andrew's  church on Maple Rd,  standing strong whilst being sprinkled in sleet.

It was sleet and not quite snow, but still surprising to experiencing such in March (spring). I also remember noting that I enjoyed it. Whilst everyone was wearing sad, glum faces, I realised that I was actually smiling. I was not doing it to be perverse, but actually did seem to enjoy being outside, with snow smacking me in the face, telling me I am alive. I was wrapped up warm, it wasn't heavy enough to soak me, but enough to force me to realise that I am alive in a real world. I know that I have previously shown photos of snow in the winter, but we don't live in wonderland, baking hot summers, or snowy winters. March sleet is real and it is harmless!

I should also tell you that my predictions for a sunny Milan-San Remo bicycle race, couldn't have been further from the truth. It was only a couple of sunday's ago, but was actually shortened due to bad weather! I couldn't believe this, cycling doesn't stop for bad weather (it's just not cricket)! However, it was shortened as astonishing reports of the cyclists having to board coaches, cutting the race short by about 70km I think...
No sun then. I had to wait for the Tour of Catalunya, more recently, to show me new kit designs, not rain capes! Held mid-week, I was forced to catch what coverage I could, on my mobile phone.

Above, two image captures of Cris Anke Sorensen(Saxo-Bank), above Daniel Navarro Garcia (Cofidis) in a grey Catalunya , from an IPhone 4S.

OK, now for some wheelchair-related news. I called on my neighbour on Tuesday afternoon, as just as I had returned home to my flat, my wheelchair died on me. Fortunately I was where I was, but it made me realise quite how lucky i am, not to have experienced that 'wheelchair death', anywhere else. I called engineers who came out the following day and needed to take the chair away to get fixed. This event made me feel awful as I realised how dependent I am on something which is essentially a material object and will have defects.

I got the wheelchair back yesterday (thursday), and all was good. I was able to go to Richmond, as I had planned. I admit that the next event was totally my fault and I should not have let this happen.
I was going down the high street in Richmond, when all of a sudden, my attention was caught by an extremely attractive girl (not obviously, but pretty)! CRASH!! I had crashed into the wall. Then, making it obvious that she had distracted my attention, I apologised to her!!!
I look down to find that I have totally mashed my left foot plate. No harm to myself or actual chair but I need a new foot plate! That'll teach me.

Then, on the way home, I overhear the bus driver talking on his radio about 'a wheelchair', not referring to them as a 'wheelchair user'.This irritates me so much, but it is a sad fact of life. People refer to two things, the person, and the wheelchair, by just forgetting the person!! GGGGRRRRR.  This irritates me so much, but hey, let them get it wrong. When whatever they're doing goes wrong, they will be at fault! 
..even typing that story, irritates me!

OK, the next music is a beautiful piece of elegant dramatic dance....


Fate can be quite funny. Hehe
Someone (helmetless) squeezed passed on a bicycle. I shouted, told him to get 'on the road'!! Then i realised why he wasn't helmeted, he was accompanied by a running dog!! As he crossed the road  soon after, he stumbled, to a stop (almost came off). 
I laughed (to myself)

Fortunately, I believe in fate. I believe that wrongs=rights , everything equals. I am comfortable with this and use it all the time when I find something disagreeable.


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