Welcome to my blog. It varies how regular I write posts here. I sustained a 'Traumatic Acquired Brain Injury', and a six month coma from a 'road traffic accident' whilst cycling, in October 2006. I spent the following 4 years (22-26yrs old), in a combination of hospitals and rehabilitation homes. Now, I have been living independently in Surbiton, England since October 2010. This blog begun life in December 2010, as i realised that there are many people worldwide that i want to share experiences with. I know that, as a wheelchair user, I am obviously not as mobile as i wish, so, use the internet to connect to you. I enjoy letting my thoughts represent through type. I type honestly. As numerous readers, as well as email recipients, will understand, I find typing to be very therapeutic. Thank you :)
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Friday, 28 September 2012


I must admit that I have reverted to living in the 21st century, as I type this. Although I re-discovered the joy of evenings involving the sounds of various albums, from my CD collection (still ever-growing),I had only coped for a few nights, before CDs started skipping. MP3s don't skip in the same way.
Current favourites...
The XX - Angels

I am also accompanied by notes for this post, made on my phone, not a notepad (as i had stated was better, in a previous post). This is just sooooo more practical.

Anyway, this is a relatively short post, but this perhaps, if anything, increases the importance of notes that i discuss.  
My first note is very old, but my thoughts remain. Printing in ink on paper is slightly confusing when it is considered on ethical, sustainable scale. OK, computers can identically replicate a previous print/copy, but we must remain aware that we are eating valuable energy using a computer, printer, printer power and ink.
I suppose I am proving the success of mass-scale printing, compared to that of energy/raw-source use in individual reproduction. As long as we remain aware of the various environmental issues involved. We must always realise how lucky we are to have these resources, and must keep them as sustainable as we can, for future generations.

The rain makes everyone grumpy. It slows people down, and everyone wears a grumpy/unhappy face. So I smile. The rain is only water (acidic or not). It makes me feel alive. Perhaps it makes me, in a wheelchair, on more of a level playing field. Water doesn't hurt and the chances are that it shouldn't be considered dangerous, why so grumpy?

- I maintain that in order to exist, everything, everything, EVERYTHING is equal. Therefore everything has a positive/negative balance somehow. Our task is to find and make  'a positive' be felt by ourselves, but we must realise that there is a negative side too.

Life could be better
Life could be worse

Saturday, 22 September 2012


Olympic Road Race winner Marianne Vos, captured here in Kingston-upon-Thames, London 2012. She, today made herself Women's Cycling World Champion. Not a bad season, eh?


Friday, 21 September 2012

Go Britain!!!

As we approach the weekend of Cycling World Championships. I want to give a shout of support to all British racers!


Emma Pooley, 4th in World Championship time trial, competing in the World Championship Road Race on Saturday 22nd September.



Ok, my main topic this week, is of our 'ability to choose music'. It scares me that everyone now listens to music selected for them randomly, by a 'digital music player'. I go into the biggest music store in Kingston, now, and CD albums are squashed over to the back of the store, whilst at the fore are endless displays of mp3 players. It hurts me, but things change, I am 'older' now. OK, life has changed compared to that a decade ago. Music has played a core part of my life, and it hurts me to think that future generations are missing out.

Below is an act that i discovered through listening to BBC radio 6. 'Houndmouth' enticed me, so i went in search, unsuccessfully, for their CD.


I search for information online. It is only this route that tells me that it is impossible to buy the CD in this country, it is only available to download the mp3.
Hmmm. I give in, and download.

(FYI: Showing my age, the vocals remind me of a weird cross between Turin Brakes and David Gray)

I am so so incredibly lucky, there is no way I will (or anyone should), take anything for granted. I was sat in a cafe organising notes on a notepad (mainly, for this post). I realise that usually i note on my phone, but having the ability to sit down in a cafe with a pen and paper gave me great joy. When I combined this ability with that of this blog creation, I was just reinforced with a feeling of vast gratitude, to everyone, everyone, EVERYONE.

I do not know how I can thank all of the good people.

Blessed is he, who in the name of charity and goodwill...

Saturday, 15 September 2012

CDs, Receipts, Memories...


 Radiohead Kid A - receipt, cd sleeve+case, concert ticket

Kid A receipt - Day of release - 2nd October 2000

Amnesiac ltd Edition book - receipt- Day of release - 4th June 2001


Friday, 14 September 2012

Half full!

This week's first note, is actually very old, but still currently applies.
In my wheelchair, I regularly approach road crossings, stop, look, usually expecting to wait for  gaps in traffic. However, cars  often see me on the roadside, waiting, and so pause themselves, and wave me across, whilst holding up cars behind.
I remain, and wave them all through, little do they know how relatively slow my chair is. Eventually they go through. Being polite sometimes costs everyone in terms of time. Then all other traffic  sees themselves delayed by a wheelchair AGAIN.

My next note is a bit sloshy, sorry.
' I just want to walk alongside a partner, holding hands.'
I made this note last weekend, as i saw a lot more couples about. I realise that this is something very special, that only a few can. To be in love is something so so so special, give your partner a kiss, make sure that they realise their importance.

I am so so so grateful and fortunate that my fate has led me on the path that I am on. I always used to think hypothetically whilst cycling. 'If the horrible event of an accident were to befall me, would i prefer to lose my mind (mental capacity), or my physical ability (the ability to ride a bike at all)?' I would always come to the obvious conclusion, keeping the mental power.
I am so so lucky that i have been allowed to follow this route.

When quizzed with the 'glass half full/empty' question. I will always consider it half full. It is said that this more positive. But here's my reasoning:
When you have a glass, you have a glass on its own. Without anything. Just glass. Potential for potential.
Begin to fill glass, and you have two things, glass + liquid. A liquid contained by glass, and, a glass attaining its potential, of containing liquid. Full or not, it doesn't matter, it still contains liquid. Therefore it may be half full, halfway to reaching full potential.

When about town or anywhere, midweek, I often realise that it can be thought that I am cheating, missing work. However, I easily twist the situation into a positive, recognising just how many people that I encounter, whom I make smile. Regular readers of this blog will know just how highly I rate 'smiling'. It is the best way, by far, of promoting a positive feeling. It is contagious, bringing the viewer a sense of hapiness, and so a smile. In turn, someone else, and on forever. I know that most people are at work and so have a variety of issues, on their mind. They may be grumpy, stressed out, tired, whatever, but it costs them too much to wear a smile.
'Excuses, excuses' you may say, but

Another video of some Swedish sisters. Highly appealing.
'America' by Simon & Garfunkel, cover by First Aid Kit

Wednesday, 12 September 2012


The sun did shine in Kingston this summer, honest! Proof!

Birthday thoughts of a 28 year-old man, why?

Lottie Goodacre, beautiful, graceful as ever, in her old age 

Friday, 7 September 2012

The sun!

Sunshine!!!! YAAAAAAAAAAY!!!! :)

Note. I type this early (before dinner), and am without caffeine. I try.

My mobile phone notes, made throughout the past week.
'Mugs have a purpose.'
I realise that i am constantly reminding people of this argument. As a coffee lover/addict/enthusiast/whatever, and a temporarily disabled wheelchair-user, I am always found drinking coffee from a china mug. Mugs are designed to be re-used infinitely (forever recycled). Paper cups are instantaneous rubbish once used. Ok, to argue for paper cups, a recycled material can be used (rarely found). Washing liquid can be environmentally harmful, and a mug is cleansed before re-use. However, when one considers the levels of energy and raw materials spent in a 'take-away cup'. The design (every cafe differs), the print, the 'free' extra plastic lid/straw, manufacture, the raw material, all combine to be used once, becoming instant rubbish (which takes energy to become refuse or recycled material). Plus, I am aware that caffeine is addictive, users will repeat and repeat. Please don't consume and consume.

Right, coffee done. Music. One of my all-time favourite artists, Cat Power (4th favourite album), released her latest album, Sun, on monday.
Good, it is very. The album is full of quality tunes from a more mature Chan Marshall(Cat Power), often discussing basic issues that life throws us. It is thankfully not full of deep, heart-wrenching songs of previous years.

Cat Power- Ruin

Now, my main reason for this note (apart from artist promotion) is, to tell of a reason for my CD purchasing, instead of MP3. As the album was bought on the day of release, and is of a favourite artist, I have kept the receipt on the inside sleeve. 'Pointless' I hear you cry, but many of my favourite albums (cds) contain receipts from their day of release/purchase. A nice piece of memorabilia to keep. Many of my receipts are dated 2000/2001 (when I turned 16/17), so from 'back in the day'.

A continuation on the music subject. Occasionally I force myself to believe that i am waiting for a miracle. I believe that they DO happen. Obviously they vary from person to person. What may be a 'miracle' for someone, may not be for someone else. After my experiences, I am well aware that anything can happen, so why not a miracle?

I know that I have repeatedly explained my belief in fate. Deeply intrigued, i want to find out more, so have started reading around the subject. I am currently reading the writings of Christian Larson, 'Mastery of Fate and Your Forces and How to Use Them'.  It is deeeeep, but good. I show a highlighted section, that is quite basic, perhaps obvious, but so so sooooo important to understand.

It continues to explain the theory that we do indeed create our own fate. Therefore acknowledging its existence but everyone's is different, because we choose to experience different things in life.

A beautiful day, today. Do not worry i do not supply a U2 video. I journeyed down the river today to Kingston, as i regularly do, but as my photos depict, my route was further than usual.

 Northwards bound, towards Kingston

 An olympic venue, Kingston bridge.

I go further than usual, Canbury Gardens, beautiful. 

My Iphone looks up at the sun


Monday, 3 September 2012

Saturday, 1 September 2012

100% Colombian


Hiya. Sorry, I am thoroughly enjoying my birthday present. I was bought a coffee grinder, further increasing the wonderful, sensuous experience of making your own drink of coffee. Thank you, Mum & Dad.

Right, my notes. My first note was made much earlier in the week. At a cafe, I sat on a table behind one belonging to a mother and her children. I heard the young girl seemingly whine, but actually she was just stating
You're so annoying."
It was then I realise that Mum (who is sitting right opposite her), is engrossed in her mobile phone, too busy for her daughter. As I made this note on my mobile phone, it struck me further the evolution of human beings has taken a slight detour in recent years, mobile phones. I know that I can say for myself  as well as maybe the vast majority, when i admit that i do not use my phone for talking on, primarily. The use of the internet and email on our mobile phones has improved lives in so many ways, but I was clearly shown how it's use can be negative, in this cafe. Are we becoming less 'socially interactive, whilst we talk to friends on Facebook, yet missing the important things? Hmmm
decisions, decisions...


Next note, 'Hmmm, I feel sorry for those random people who have to say 'hi''.
Fairly self explanatory, this note. I do end up puzzled, if not obvious, why people greet me at total random. I guess that they may be scared, or fear being in a wheelchair themselves. Personally, although I have disabilities, I have had them for over five years and so, feel comfortable psychologically. Although importantly, I have desires to improve in many ways, psychologically, myself, I know that I can, it just takes time.
OK, i have just reread this and confused myself, so the chances are that you don't understand! Nevermind, the coffee's good.

Vegetables. Hmmm. Mum, I DO buy them! As I tend to do my 'weekly shop' in the local supermarket, I realise that often most vegetables are sold in 'packs', often in cheaper deals, but in polymer trays, covered in a polymer wrap. Only by hand picking your vegetables, do you pick how many you need (without being obsolescent). You can also use easily recyclable paper bags (unlike the LDPE trays). Very little energy has been used in creating a paper bag, compared to the design and production involved in the creation of a polymer tray, sticky label, print etc.

My next note, is a bit sloshy, i apologise. Midway through reading Ian McEwan's 'Saturday', i noted that 'To experience true love between two people is sooooooo special. I am infinitely grateful that fate has allowed me to experience this.'
I accept that what'll be, what'll be.

I made a note to explain that although not religious, I believe. I am not religious, and never have been, but I believe in what I call 'fate'. This is forever evolving, changing for me, but it is so so important to be comfortable with your own beliefs (or lack of). I think that it may be as a result of being struck on the head (as cynics may see this), but I realise now just how random/crazy everything must have seemed before, with a lack of belief.

Now, last note, don't worry, it may seem silly following the previous paragraph.

I know that I have '-shopped' the above photo, but only colour-wise. I was viewing the above photo on my phone, as in support of Mr Froome at Vuelta success, he acts as wallpaper on my phone. Anyway, I noticed, that here he has used an ovalised large chainring (it's not photoshop, honest). I know that Bradley (Mr Wiggins) uses the same. Both successfully reached the podium in the Olympics, using such innovations. I know very little about them currently, but would love to know more. If anyone has an opinion, or knows more, please feel free to share. I want to know more!