I bought a Panettone ‘Colomba’ for Easter,
I start to type this post on Easter Sunday, sat in the garden at my parents’ house, in the SUNSHINE! I stayed the night, and was awoken by a feline presence!
Thank you Lola!!
My happiness has been allowed to flourish after reading this encouraging news...
A few weeks ago, we saw the latest Ipsos Mori and YouGov polling data show that the Green Party is now the third largest political party by voter intention.
Since I joined (nearly six years ago) you will have read plenty of my ‘Pro-Green Party’ words. Ok, this may have very little to do with the ‘Traumatic Brain injury’ that I initially suffered back in 2006. It stands afront my blog, because I feel so strongly in support of what the Green Party stands for. Everyone complains about the government, but the few chances the population get, we mess it up! ...Vote for what you believe in, not just the 'same as ever'. Break the mould!
Why did i choose the Green Party?
- I had turned 30 in the previous August. The 2015 General Election was approaching, and I knew that my existence is worth something. I am as equal as anyone else, I knew that there are problems that we cannot ignore. Some politicians who are in influential, powerful positions are showing irresponsibility and pathetic negligence.
- I knew that 2015 was a year, for me, to get involved. I did not know which political party to join…
- Conservatives were the leading party in power, things needed a change. I have never agreed with their right-wing policies. Most of Britain does. This was/still is the problem. Most people seemed to be closing their ears to problems of others. People are led by the ‘propaganda’ they see in the news, or read in the newspapers. Readers will always consider what they read as ’neutral’. I just look at the front pages of the highly-popular tabloid papers, and i cry inside. Their stories are read as 'national news' by Britons. British people are showing such mental weakness, we allow ourselves to be sold these racist, hate-mongering stories. We are sensible, level-headed people so, we get wounded and made to feel a combination of hatred and vengefulness, at hearing of such 'news' stories. I have since realised that these ’newspaper/comics’ are bought by a certain group of people. Not all, but many of a higher age… 65+… These are the people who vote!
- Do younger people not care? We do, but we are letting our futures to be ruled by those of the past.
- These elderly voters may not fear what will happen in the future, 'our years', not 'their's'.
- It hurts me that there are very few of us, who feel as lucky as myself to be here. We are all unbelievably lucky, even those who have left us, are lucky to have experienced life on this planet. We owe humanity and our planet, so much.
- Humanity must exist in the future, for as long as possible. We owe it to the future.
- We risk to be reviewed as part of the ’21st Century Human Race’ who failed. Our desire and greed killed us.
- I was quick to understand that the Green Party stands for so much more than just 'climate-change', 'recycling', and the 'environment'.
- It offends me when i hear friends talk about 'the Green Party', and 'recycling' as if they are two unique entities bonded together, and nothing else is even considered! The Party so much deeper than caring about one issue alone.
- Whilst recycling is a core part of the general belief preached, many, many more topics are discussed and problems tackled. 'Recycling' is such an almighty phenomenon, every political party understands it's importance. Some ignore, and some political parties are more active in regards of the topic, than others.
- The Green Party, correctly uses true utilitarian politics, with best, positive results, for as many as possible. They do not allow for successes of one group of people, over another. I completely ally with this basic concept. It does scare me that the majority of our population does not follow this belief! Other parties make selections of 'favourite groups', often trying to increase their privilige at the cost of others. Are we not beyond this, in the 21st Century? The Human race needs to work together.
- A true democracy should no longer be a two-horse race. If you support the idea of a democracy, vote for what you believe in. Please show the power of your own mind. Don't feel trapped by just the two or three old parties, this is a new Century!
The section above was originally typed in 2017. Very little has changed. Most of this can still be applied.
I have recently been having hydrotherapy sessions in place of my regular ‘neuro-physiotherapy’. My neuro-therapist takes the sessions. In 2019 I spent further time in hospital, recovering from various broken bones/surgeries. Last year was difficult as therapy was needed to recover further, however the Coronavirus pandemic meant that much of this was unavailable. My therapist saw this year as a good reason/opportunity to use Hydrotherapy.
I enjoy it greatly, as I can definitely sense improvements. My left side has always been felt as the weaker, ever since my 2006 Acquired Brain Injury. Broken left-hip and left-ankle too, I could foresee the sense of trying hydro-therapy.
In a pool of water everyone feels different, including me! I needed careful help/guidance at first, but I have felt a lot more comfortable, soon in following sessions.
It was just the third session, I was walking to the side whilst holding in front, either way. This was easy! Faster, and faster
I bonked!
...Only cyclists understand what I mean!
It was the first time. I cannot remember ever ‘bonking’ as a cyclist (I was a spindly, lightweight climber who refused to be beaten by a climb).
I am now able to understand what the term means. When you push yourself hard, all seems ok, but then suddenly your body shouts ‘NO’. You can do no more. Fortunately I was near the finish of my allotted time slot anyway!
I have held this track so close to me, since my Traumatic Brain Injury. Yes, my body is disabled, in need of a wheelchair, but this song, along with many other Verve tracks, kept my mind straight! Thank you. 'A beautiful mind or a beautiful body, I know which one I'm gonna end up with’.
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