Welcome to my blog. It varies how regular I write posts here. I sustained a 'Traumatic Acquired Brain Injury', and a six month coma from a 'road traffic accident' whilst cycling, in October 2006. I spent the following 4 years (22-26yrs old), in a combination of hospitals and rehabilitation homes. Now, I have been living independently in Surbiton, England since October 2010. This blog begun life in December 2010, as i realised that there are many people worldwide that i want to share experiences with. I know that, as a wheelchair user, I am obviously not as mobile as i wish, so, use the internet to connect to you. I enjoy letting my thoughts represent through type. I type honestly. As numerous readers, as well as email recipients, will understand, I find typing to be very therapeutic. Thank you :)
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Friday, 19 June 2020

Once in a lifetime

I began this week by discovering that one of my favourite musicians, Diane Birch, was performing a https://www.stageit.com show whilst here in England (she is American). 
I have been intrigued by these shows before, but I had never ‘attended’. My desktop computer died last week, I was sad. News of the show, raised my spirits, and I have faith in my iPad substituting for me. I logged onto stage-it.com on Sunday morning.

Thank you Diane! It was surreal but amazing, everyone conversing with the artist mid-concert, via online-chatting through your keyboard! Yes, I am used to conversing with friends online, but now live music! Brilliant!

Almost a decade old, but I requested ‘Rewind’. 
Thank you Diane
The original version, that hooked me...

I copy a weblink below, to a page asking for help. I have given my  £20 for 2020’, and I urge you to consider doing the same.
In a year of such extreme uncertainty, fear and tension amongst the global population, there is one common certainty, that unites us all. We need our planet Earth.

I was sent an email earlier in the week (dated 18th June).
Entitled ‘Once in a lifetime’.

A couple of weeks back The Guardian wrote that Boris Johnson is under pressure to ensure a green recovery in the UK. The Government is being urged to prioritise low-carbon solutions to the economic fallout of coronavirus. This is a once in a lifetime moment to transform the way we live, travel and work - tackling the health, climate, nature and economic crises all the same time - and creating a more equal and secure future for us all.

This critical time in history requires our attention. Because, although it’s great to see other parties moving in the right direction, we have to make sure that the recovery we get from this pandemic really is green, fair and transformative. It must be one that overhauls our destructive systems and builds back an economy that works for people, not people working for the economy.
It means building resilient and regenerative communities, health care and food systems. It means not having to choose between keeping our houses warm and feeding our families. It means a roof over every head. And a social security system that lifts every single one of us up.

Jonathan Bartley

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