It is quite random for me to run this calculation in February. It seems that my 'blog popularity' has steadied over the past few months. I am sorry to bore you all, but...
averaging 600 (actually 599) per month for last two years
Equates to
= 150 per week, just over 21per day :)
Music (food of love?). I play on...
One of my latest purchases is the album of J Mascis. On hearing his first single, 'Wide awake', I could hear the magnificent voice of Chan Marshall (Cat Power). I investigated further and was sold his brilliant album.
J Mascis
Shuffled albums
Listening to music at home, through my iPod (part of my stereo now). It was as I listened to 'High Ball Stepper' by Jack White, did I stop, listen, and register that I was part way through an unbelievable album of immense, classy, buzzing, guitar rock. Hero. Thank you.
high ball stepper (click here)
Insecure mobile-phone fakers
I make this note following a friend's Facebook post, relating to the issue. I am secure and comfortable with myself. I have needed a wheelchair for a long enough period of my life, to face millions of issues etc. I am confident because I know who I am and what I have done. It both amuses and saddens me to witness many people who may seem to have so much, but deep down they must be missing something key. Self-confidence. They walk down the street, mouthing to nobody in a mobile phone, or sat on a train, taking selfies. The only people that are communicating to, are the general public! They desperately want everyone to think that they are important, busy, celebrity pornstars. I guess, the truth hurts them!
Everyone may already know my next note, but it is even more important if you are in a wheelchair.
Trust no-one when crossing the road
I was in Kingston waiting at traffic lights. Then all of a sudden everyone crosses the road, then a lorry has to stop, and people head back to the nearest pavement! The general public had just blindly copied each other. Madness!
ups and downs…
there is art communicating messages, and there are obscene disgraces...
Banksy on Instagram :)
Landscape or Portrait ?
A sheet of A4, or A3. I immediately consider the landscape format...
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