Welcome to my blog. It varies how regular I write posts here. I sustained a 'Traumatic Acquired Brain Injury', and a six month coma from a 'road traffic accident' whilst cycling, in October 2006. I spent the following 4 years (22-26yrs old), in a combination of hospitals and rehabilitation homes. Now, I have been living independently in Surbiton, England since October 2010. This blog begun life in December 2010, as i realised that there are many people worldwide that i want to share experiences with. I know that, as a wheelchair user, I am obviously not as mobile as i wish, so, use the internet to connect to you. I enjoy letting my thoughts represent through type. I type honestly. As numerous readers, as well as email recipients, will understand, I find typing to be very therapeutic. Thank you :)
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Friday, 1 March 2013

Visual communication...

Words are visual? No? Oh I don’t know…

Anyway, I type this relatively early, as I predict it may be a lengthy post. We’ll see. I was facing ‘mental anguish’ earlier this week, so I noted on my phone, focussing on positive factors…

-       Life is tough but I have/ and continue hopefully to show you the wonder of being human. Our existence is something so great. So great that words cannot describe it.

Incredibly fortunate, I know I am. I currently search for paid employment. I love my volunteering roles, very much. It helps having passion for the cause. Although I search, I have learnt (or, had reinforced) and want to preach to everyone that the most important thing in life is not money, or even ‘love’, but health. If one does not have the health to do something, one cannot. In a way, this is something that can be thought of, quite logically. Basic bio-mechanics, maths, tell us what can happen.

OK, enough of the deep talk. Music. Below is ‘Atoms For Peace’. Hehehe, ‘deep music’.
‘Different’, I prefer to refer to it. As a lifelong Radiohead fan, I welcome any art by Thom Yorke. For me, he constantly lights the pathway of future music…

I bought ‘Amok’ (album released by artist above), on day of release, Monday, as I knew that I faced no trouble of getting to the cd shop (I will obey my new years resolution, stated on this blog). MP3s are the way forward. However, I immediately face dismay as the whole industry is in a duopoly, seemingly. If anyone knows of an alternative route of downloading mp3s (other than ITunes or Amazon), can you please email me?

I tried. I was out and about earlier in the week, and I made the conscious effort to smile or wear a happy/content face, even though the weather was very grey, horrible, and everyone else was showing faces of depressed misery. I must admit that I tried but failed. Even I, was wearing a glum face after a few hours!
It was miserable. So, I kept telling myself that ‘everything has an opposite.’ The only reason we find it depressing, is that it can be so good yet we don’t take any notice. Hmmm.
An extract from a very good, thought provoking book I read at the moment.
‘Mastery of Fate and Your Forces and How to Use Them’ by Christian Larson

Wednesday, my voluntary work was cancelled, so I had free time. I spent the morning pondering what could be done. I had an idea. Up to Central London.

I arrived in Waterloo, and on route to my destination I took this picture (below). I had grown up with my father working as a town planner for the ‘Corporation of the City of London’. Sir Christopher Wren’s St Paul’s cathedral was recognised by me and hopefully a large proportion of everyone, as an iconic piece of design. I used to think that this was so special, it was comparable to the Eiffel Tower in Paris (by far, the tallest structure in the city).

I guess, I was wrong.
The sheer humungous scale of ‘the Shard’ (right), dwarfs ‘St Paul’s’ (left)

Anyway, I continued onto my final destination, the home of coffee’, the ‘Bar Italia’, Soho. A double macchiato was drunk. Proper place, proper coffee.

Damn good!!

So, I sat there, enjoying tasty coffee, as I begun to realise that this was not the area (Soho) to be my usual self and pathetically attempt to flirt/chat up good looking girls! So, silence.

A permanent change maybe, we’ll see…

Anyway, another, alternative, view of Nelson's Column in Trafalgar Square


To finalise this week, a couple of photos. One of my Bianchi, showing its current use a piece of beautiful decor in my hall, and a hat stand. My ever-worn hat lives on the handlebars.


My last pictures show some bent plywood, which I moulded for part of my final 'major design project' at Loughborough University.
Eight years ago...



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