Welcome to my blog. I post on this, roughly once a week (it does vary). I sustained a 'Traumatic Acquired Brain Injury', and a six month coma from a 'road traffic accident' whilst cycling, in October 2006. I spent the following 4 years (22-26yrs old), in a combination of hospitals and rehabilitation homes. Now, I have been living independently in Surbiton, England since October 2010. This blog begun life in December 2010, as i realised that there are many people worldwide that i want to share experiences with. I know that, as a wheelchair user, I am obviously not as mobile as i wish, so, use the internet to connect to you. I enjoy letting my thoughts represent through type. I type honestly. As numerous readers, as well as email recipients, will understand, I find typing to be very therapeutic. Thank you :)
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Friday 18 January 2013

I know.... that you know I know...

... that a positive from my injury is that now I am able to realise how immensely lucky I was that I was living such an amazingly nice life, pre-accident. There seemed to be no problem, life was rolling along well. No hiccups. Then my fate played an interesting move. A strong positive view could be that perhaps, I was due a big hiccup in my life. Hmmm..... 

...Er, right, music. I realise that I made a new year's resolution 'to positively accept mp3s', and I think that I am being encouraged to do so by some almighty power. I was after a Norah Jones cd in the 'HMV closing down sale' (I can state the shop's name, it IS closing down). I had to ask, and no they didn't have any. I looked at the stock, hmm madness. I wanted a cd! I then picked Ana Brun. In the sale, as everything was, it was bought.
I got home, opened it and it was a different band, 'Breathless' (overspilling the 'Ana Brun' shelf). I knew that I hadn't my glasses on in the shop, just faithfully trusting the shop. 
Breathless are ok, not Ana Brun, but ok. A computer screen never gets overstocked, selling you incorrectly. Hmmm...
Clinging on to this 'music' topic, is the fact i want to share with you the joy of silence. When a cd/cassette/vinyl is finished, it finishes. 

A chance to reflect on what you'd just listened to.
You are now without the music.
You can begin to realise what the music gave you, as you are now without it.

So you change the cd, keeping the previously used on back, safe in it's unique case.
Special, a keepsake.

OK, now, cycling. My obsession with team kit design became ignited by two team kit designs of this forthcoming season.
Team Sky (Britain)

La Francaise Des Jeux (France)

Hmmm,  similar, in that the teams' only have one main sponsor, and are supported by a sporty blue as a secondary colour. 
However, the main difference, one is black the other white. Maybe I read too much into colours, but teams have to be careful in a sport that is shadowed with a dark mystery, of dark secrets of 'hidden fuels'. Teams want to project their cleanliness, purity, innocence, and bright youth. 
I know which characteristics, I would naturally attribute to either kit designs...  

For, over six years have passed since my accident. Besides being in a bed-ridden state in hospital, I have lived in a wheelchair. I am not planning on my life being so dependent. I regularly feel satisfied with myself as have grown  in self-confidence, being 'in this state'. Whereas much earlier on, I would have felt for these people, I now feel disgust and hate towards them. Who? Well, I was going about town the other day. A mother and her 3 or 4 children, paused on the pavement, to let me by. I overtook. There was another wheelchair, ahead of me.
"Watch-out. There's one of 'em approaching." 
 This made me crazy. This mother was classing me and all wheelchairs, together, as 'one-of-'em'. These young children were being taught by their mother that 'they're all the same'. To be classed as 'one of 'em', can be hurtful.
Disappointing. A deep breath, I moved on. Grrrrr.

I am giving the reason why I post a link to this website, regularly on Twitter and Facebook. I enjoy the fact that this website is popular, I am not forcing anyone to visit. It is easier to click on a link if you find it on FB or Twitter, than having to type the address in yourselves (so I've been told, understandably).

Hehe. Hmmm. I sat making this last note, in a cafe today, alongside a very hot girl, and her boyfriend...
'If I see a hot girl, I know that I must just let fate happen. I cannot force its direction. 
Deal with it'

 Everyone's fate is different
Today's snow and...


 my cat (statue)...

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