Welcome to my blog. It varies how regular I write posts here. I sustained a 'Traumatic Acquired Brain Injury', and a six month coma from a 'road traffic accident' whilst cycling, in October 2006. I spent the following 4 years (22-26yrs old), in a combination of hospitals and rehabilitation homes. Now, I have been living independently in Surbiton, England since October 2010. This blog begun life in December 2010, as i realised that there are many people worldwide that i want to share experiences with. I know that, as a wheelchair user, I am obviously not as mobile as i wish, so, use the internet to connect to you. I enjoy letting my thoughts represent through type. I type honestly. As numerous readers, as well as email recipients, will understand, I find typing to be very therapeutic. Thank you :)
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Monday, 18 September 2023

the time is NOW

 A bonus life

I have spent the previous seventeen years since ‘my accident’, living in rehabilitation, or living whilst ’trying to recover’. SEVENTEEN YEARS. 

I have, ever-since awakening in 2007, been told that my life has changed for good. I was an energetic, determined and successful 22 year old, I was not going to change just like that! Determined, yes. Stubborn, maybe. Forever broken, no.

I am now facing the facts, as a 39 year old. I will continue to work to develop or improve my abilities which were lost. I am comfortable that I may never recover these fully. I may dream about such, I may have already done such (prior to accident), but I have to be content. Content that I had achieved so much in my previous life. 

I currently live in a ‘bonus life’. I have no expectations. No pressures. No restraints . Just a physical ability that is low (incredibly greater than what it may have been, but just ‘lower than my previous life’).

The time is now

(An old song, 21st century, but already a classic)

Just a few of extra points…

I want to advertise ‘ https://www.reco.shop/

I received in the post the other day, my bi-annual package. Tooth-tabs, and recyclable toothbrush heads. Obviously depending on the quantity you order, regularity will vary. 

A page on 'Make-SmallSteps', the website that I created a few years ago, explains the benefit of Tooth-tabs, and why I feel that they should be much more popular than they currently are.


Toothbrush heads are an everyday item that people consume if they own an electric toothbrush. Each may last a couple of months (at most) before they need replacing. ‘Discarding’ yes, but what happens to most is that they will litter our planet forever.

We have to find sustainable solutions. 

Currently, I use ‘recyclable toothbrush heads’. It will alert you all to find out what happens to your old toothbrushes…

The plastic brush-head, of most,  is not sustainable. The plastic fibres will last forever. It varies on the grade of polymer used for the main ’neck’. However as the materials are made as one piece (one item), recycling gets very very difficult.

Please take a moment.


We live in a 'throw-away society', what do you choose to 'throw away'?

Total page views as of 31 August 2023

Less than a month ago, I researched statistics for my blog as it is approaching its 13th birthday!

It is nearing a total viewpoint of 193,000! This is very satisfying because, these numbers are not just friends who may feel pressure to read (I hope that there has never been any pressure).

The research shows me that this blog has been accessed around the globe, everywhere! This please me greatly, as I hope that a lot of the essences of the blog are applicable throughout the entire world!

Thank you

Read on…

‘Tiny Ruins’ have appeared on this blog a few times previously and so I promote the new release ‘Ceremony’, with confidence.


I admit that I have only listened to a couple of the songs, but I know that this album is worth it! I bought ‘The Crab/Waterboy’ as a single when it was released much earlier this year.



  1. As you said it must have been fate that we stumbled across eachother when I visited the town and riverside for the first time in a decade. You were a breath of fresh air, the most strong, courageous and inspiring person I have met in my lifetime. Your beautiful soul and kind words will forever stay in my memory. Your words "promise me something...to always be content". Tears welled up in my eyes.... tears of joy, shame and fear because I had finally attained contentment within myself after 11 years and for you to request a promise to remain content without knowing my story caught me off guard. Thank you

    1. Thank you for the comment. I too will remember meeting you, as you seemed so special! Instead of publishing our messages across the world... my email address is patrick.goodacre@yahoo.co.uk
