Regularity explanation
‘I thought you were going to slow your blog down?....’
A hypothetical question that I am sure many of you feel like asking me!
My answer would explain that I initially did slow it right down. As in recent weeks, this week I have found issues that I want to present to you all. I initially took notes for a future post, but as notes have increased, I feel it more apt to post in the week ‘concerned’, or the same week that the note is made. I keep the blog ‘alive’. I cannot continue to prioritise it’s importance, but I want to keep it alive.
An espresso & a small glass of water 😪
I visited a relatively unfamiliar coffee shop/sandwich bar, earlier in the week. I ordered the above combination. OK, i didn’t offer my Espresso glass, but I was shocked that my 25ml Espresso was served in a full-size cappuccino-mug, and deeply saddened by my ‘glass of water’ served in A PLASTIC CUP!!! :(
Large mug of single espresso, and plastic cup :(
Regularly, my espresso cup with glass of water (out of picture)
‘Do you need help?’
The biggest insult, for me!
Reviewing the situation, this embarrasses me. They never mean to offend me. I may be struggling to do something which is quite simple (this frustrates me, so i become even more determined to do it alone)! I do not think this actually forms as part of a self-pride issue, it is purely ‘self-belief’. If I think I can do it, I can do it.
On hearing such an offer, my self-pride is crushed, stamped on by those who offer to help, because they are considering themselves ‘above’ me and are looking down on me...
'NO! I will not allow this, sorry! I will be fine!’
I have always considered potential of ‘opposites’. Whilst it may be regular to consider something through a certain aspect, I admit that I regularly consider the opposite. I can recognise that this may result in failure, however positive results are just as regular (it may be the matter of finding them). This mentality was encouraged and enhanced, throughout my design education. I feel that so much of the teaching was, indirectly invaluable.
A century since the opening of one of the highest quality, revolutionary design schools, from which future creative disciplines will feed forever. Thank you Walter Gropius.
Company ‘99designs’ celebrate a centenary of Bauhaus by offering some new, Bauhaus-style redesigns of some large, famous companies.
Google by Artopelago
Apple by Vladimir Nikolic
A review of Twitter followers...
I do not follow him, or have ever. But he still follows me…
I shop in the supermarket, always as ethically aware as possible (which is why I primarily shop in Sainsbury's, out of the two in Surbiton). More often than not, there are always options, when choosing a specific food. How do I choose? Well, price is perhaps an obvious factor, 'taste' perhaps another. However 'packaging' is also a very important factor. It alarms me (and probably some of you), as for how much plastic surrounds our foods now.
This week i decided that i wanted a pre-made, refrigerated pasta-dish. I pass down the correct aisle and spot only one thing that is not packaged in a seemingly unacceptable material.
The best on offer, but still not convincing
Plastic packaging
...Me, the town, the city, the country, THE WORLD... are accepting this!
We must not accept!
Humanity must demand better!
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