Welcome to my blog. It varies how regular I write posts here. I sustained a 'Traumatic Acquired Brain Injury', and a six month coma from a 'road traffic accident' whilst cycling, in October 2006. I spent the following 4 years (22-26yrs old), in a combination of hospitals and rehabilitation homes. Now, I have been living independently in Surbiton, England since October 2010. This blog begun life in December 2010, as i realised that there are many people worldwide that i want to share experiences with. I know that, as a wheelchair user, I am obviously not as mobile as i wish, so, use the internet to connect to you. I enjoy letting my thoughts represent through type. I type honestly. As numerous readers, as well as email recipients, will understand, I find typing to be very therapeutic. Thank you :)
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Friday, 23 February 2018

I search...

I fail. Notes for this blog are made throughout the week. I then compile them on Friday. I publish it almost straight away. Only then, do I review it. My own mistakes irritate me, so much. I spot mistakes, immediately after, too late!...
....‘Double negative’ mistake, amongst others, spotted last week!
Seemingly there is always atleast one new error in the English grammar used. I’m then embarrassed when I read through it, having already been published, and spot the errors! I correct them, but too late.

Acquired Brain Injury Rehabilitation. I have lived through much of this. Physiotherapy is essential for almost all patients. One aspect of life that is essential for all, but ignored at this stage, by everyone (patients included)... 
I have forever felt this, and been forced to accept complete reliance on fate. Any offer of help, and I would have laughed it away. I have never ever felt that I wanted any help, I accepted my reliance on ‘fate’. Maybe, I am still like this. I don’t want anyone to interfere, but no-one has an insurance policy and I do hurt when i think of the ‘impossible’.
I have been largely talking on this blog, existentially, of how things balance. 
Am i alone, foolishly dreaming of ‘fate’ and ‘a  balance’?

I will forever feel in debt to everyone. The help that I have received from so many people, is only sometimes necessary, but always appreciated. I feel an overwhelming response is needed, supporting our earth. I know my personal limit, but I know that human possibilities are limitless. Nothing is 100% impossible (anything is possible). 

I hurt, and feel upset, when I step back and look at myself. Unemployed, disabled, single man...
... Search for positives...
I work voluntarily for causes close to my heart. My Graphic Designs are very positively received.
My physiotherapy ability is always improving, traveling along a very long road. I do progress.
Fates all tell unique stories.
I am a lucky man.

New TUE 
I reached my target goal on my ‘motoMED GymBike’. I am happy to have succeeded immediately with a new ‘training schedule’ I ride every day of the week, rest on the weekend, then aim to attain success at the ‘Monday Gym Session’. I take it seriously (but I know that I not ‘competing’ against anyone)!
Therefore I want to admit that I very recently have been using a new, better leg splint (which holds my heel in ‘correct’ position). A TUE (Therapeutic-Use Exemption)?

For forever, or since early childhood, I have felt  a human obligation to create or design  something that is viewed by as broad a range of people, as possible.
It means so much to me that I can reach-out, and communicate worldwide, through this blog. Thank you.

Independent determination’ is a characteristic that I hold with pride. For a long, long time, since my childhood, it has been clear to me that you only ‘get out’, equivalent to what you ‘put in’. The more that one trains in a sport, the better that you can become. My life, since my accident has placed me in a seemingly endless list of situations, in which I can feel damaged. More importantly, I recognise improvements that I seem to regularly achieve. These are only because I can gauge my performance quality compared with the previous time that I attempted the task. If someone ‘helps me’, they are only helping ‘in the moment’, I am cheating myself! I don’t like it!!!

It alarms me, as I feel able to recognise how little other people know about themselves. A regular at various hospitals, i am very used to other physiotherapy patients. Doctors and therapists are trained to use the most simple communication with them. I know that I am very lucky, rare and unusual in being so aware of my own physical abilities. My life as an active cyclist, taught me so much, including how to understand my body. Recognition of how far one can push themselves physically, is key. One will realise that the answer is 99% a mentality issue.

Check The Meaning 

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