Welcome to my blog. It varies how regular I write posts here. I sustained a 'Traumatic Acquired Brain Injury', and a six month coma from a 'road traffic accident' whilst cycling, in October 2006. I spent the following 4 years (22-26yrs old), in a combination of hospitals and rehabilitation homes. Now, I have been living independently in Surbiton, England since October 2010. This blog begun life in December 2010, as i realised that there are many people worldwide that i want to share experiences with. I know that, as a wheelchair user, I am obviously not as mobile as i wish, so, use the internet to connect to you. I enjoy letting my thoughts represent through type. I type honestly. As numerous readers, as well as email recipients, will understand, I find typing to be very therapeutic. Thank you :)
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Friday, 27 January 2017


You may have noticed various advertisements thrown at your face by this blog recently. But now, I have scrapped them. Coffee-related adverts remain on my other blog, but not here. I hold this blog too close. It is so personal, i continue to ensure that I will only promote  what I choose, and want to promote. Financial gain was virtually non-existent, allowing some, so I clean it of all. I only promote/advertise what I want. This blog is too special.

Leader of the Free World’

I pressed my iPhone on, and was shown a headline by Sky News, using the above five words, on Saturday. It was referring to the inauguration of the new US President, i understood. However, I felt dazed and confused that Donald Trump is now widely considered as 'Leader Of The Free World'!
... Hehehe.... Is this some kind of sick joke? I then view pictures of Michael Gove, with DT, remember 'the NF' also sucking DT, and i panic in terror, shamefully. I think that walls, castles and catapults were used back in the Middle Ages...

It is 2017, the third millennium. Such a vast proportion of the previous two have been dominated by residents of this planet, fighting themselves. Only towards the end of the second millennium, did humans make an enormous invention of immense nuclear power. Now, the human threat to each other, is too great. Human existence is under threat, if they continue to fight each other. Stalemate. The only thing left, that humans can fight, successfully, is the enemy that they all face. Planet Earth's climate is such a big, key, unique thing. Not a military combat needed obviously, more of a 'lifestyle combat'. 100% of effort that may be wasted on in-fighting, needs to be used by Earth's humans, to protect and prolong human existence. We cannot exist without this planet's climate.

OK, sorry for getting a bit deeeeeeep there! 

I was relieved to find that my gym fitness/capabilities returned to my normal level, after having hit the base of the 'fitness trough', last week (explained in last week's post).
Gym level

The following day provided me with proof that I think visually...

I had visited central London, travelling south-wards over the river, on Waterloo bridge, towards the station, and train home. It had just passed 4pm...
... I was visually aware of key points that symbolise 4.00. Checked my watch, looked up, took the photo!

I always seem to end up 'flirting' with girls who turn out to be Italians in England...
Scary, wrong maybe, but this fact does surprise and amuse me, as I am English! I always speak in English, then discover nationality...
Parlo un poco d'Italiano!!!

After I shouted goodbye to a friend(Italian)across the road, 'Arrivederci, buonesera!!', a mother and child looked at me puzzled, so asked 'Are you Italian?'
'Hehehe. Noooo. English.'

Another picture taken on Tuesday's London trip, was taken from a similar position, earlier in the day! An image of the Euro coin amused me as I viewed that Britain is located virtually at the centre of this coin! Surely pro-brexiters will want all Euro coins scrapped and melted?...

It's best not to fear it, just do it

I was on a rush-hour train back home, Tuesday. Very good station staff at Waterloo provided the ramp, to board easily, into an empty train that soon filled up around me! Midway, I scrambled for my bag and phone to make the note. I did not fear negotiating everyone to exit the train upon 'Surbiton' arrival. I knew that I would get out eventually, there was no need to panic. I realised with embarrassment that I used to predict and fear problems. I now know that I am used to problems, so i deal with them if faced.

A few more photos, that you may have already seen via Instagram/Facebook...

A view of winter evening sun, down my Balaclava Road, Surbiton.

Extracts from recently published book, available through the NHS

Friday, 20 January 2017

... Beware

'Hehe, I'm gonna' get run over if I'm not careful! Hehe!'
'Are you ok? Do you need help to put your hood up?'

Two statements that greeted me early in the week, on the pavement at the front of my flat. A woman giggled as she leapt out of the way of an automobile. She chuckled to herself as she sarcastically offered the statement, as if she was joking about the terrible possibilities, to a 'poor man in a wheelchair'.
The second statement given to me, was an honest offer to help a disabled man. He annoyed me though, as I experienced the fact that anyone can assume that I have very little ability at all. It wasn't even that cold!

I am sorry about this post, I follow with notes that I made earlier in the week. Sad, annoyed and extremely frustrated, because I can feel such...
If you don't like it, don't read it!

No matter how hard I try to fit in, I am forever considered as 'different'.  I have to remember that 'I have lived, happily, successfully, before my accident'. I am trying, so hard, to accept that this feeling may never be repeated.

Aaaaaaargh! This is the topic which seems to destroy me. 
I have had to learn to live independently/alone, and I happily do. My twenties have been trashed, and my thirties are in the process of being such. I am scared that I am living, but I am here meaning nothing to nobody.  Zilch.
I don't want that! 
How will a girl ever fall for someone who has had to 'live in care', cannot even walk, and who is reliant on a wheelchair? 32!!!!! :(

Unfortunately, I believe in a God and fate. I am not religious, so i know things just happen. I know that I must wait, I cannot force anything. However, I am waiting forever??...

This belief that I have relied on previously needs to be called on, now.

Gym - trough time
Monday morning was a 'psychological punishing'. So, I have allowed my 'low fitness ability at the Gym' to be twisted into a positive. To have peaks in the year, you must have lows or 'troughs'. Summer time is when many people love the outdoor weather, eat strictly, train aerobically, and 'peak' fitness. Christmas, mid-winter is the opposite!

Almost mid-way through the book,  I read a section with which I agreed totally.
Caroline Lucas, ‘Honourable Friends’, pg 107

I am in such strong support of this message, I have already photographed the print, posting it on Instagram. I hailed it highly.
'The most important paragraph that you'll ever read'.

Personally, I believe that the biggest issue to be tackled as toughly as possible, is this global-climate-shift that we are beginning to notice. 

We are so incredibly lucky to be alive, on planet earth. We have a duty as part of the human-race, to try our upmost, to prolong this existence of humans, far, into many future generations.

I do not want to be one of the ‘generation of failures’. Life is too special. We cannot rely on a government, who will exist for only 5 years, in one country! The problem is too big.

We need a mental-shift of a population’s attitude. I can only hope that such a positive attitude is then mirrored elsewhere around the planet. Once large enough pockets-of-people are found, small changes can have results. Momentum grows, and positive changes are welcomed. The entire world needs to work together, as one. Countries cannot conquer this problem alone.

Please do not fall-backwards, halting these progressives. ‘Enemies of humanity’, do unfortunately exist. People who rule over others, in such a way as to deny the 'saving of humanity', should be considered greedy and deceitful. Beware. 

Friday, 13 January 2017


Friday 13th!
A short, quick post, this week. I am perhaps hinting at a vague essence of 'normality', in that I have not had so much 'free time' to lose myself in my own mental swirls!

Why 'why'?
Truthfully, I am unsure. I would previously type, without much of a hesitation. I was alarmed by a warning that I received, regarding last week's post.

I am sorry for dominating last week’s post, in such a way. 
Please take no offence, it is just presenting my opinions. It is me. As throughout this blog, I am offering my personal stance, which allies with a political party, on many of life’s issues.

I am also unsure of myself. A few weeks ago, I stated that I would refrain from complimenting due girls, so freely.
I do so, unhappy with myself. It puzzles me that people do still live in silence. I do not go out for 'night's out', and even when i did nothing ever happened, so now in a wheelchair? Too much hassle for little or no chance.
Internet dating does not work for me ether. 
However, you will know that I am incredibly confident. I always have been, but was never comfortable sharing it. Since my accident, I am confident with myself, but have restrictions. Yes, before you attempt to argue, a livelihood spent in a wheelchair IS restricted. I despair at those who think otherwise.

A suitable 'hashtag' for my new favourite method, of brewing...

... it IS Friday!

Hmmm. I have forever loved coffee. As you will know, I hold it very close to me.
Coffee is my one love!

Julie Byrne - Not Even Happiness
Album, released TODAY.
I fell in love, on hearing this tune on 6music, Lauren Laverne's show Thursday. 
‘Follow my voice’ was heard, and you can listen on the 'Soundcloud link' below...

‘Exquisitely beautiful’ - Lauren Laverne

Julie Byrne is a delightful artist, who has appeared previously on this blog, in 2014...

Friday, 6 January 2017


Why did i choose the Green Party?

  • I had turned 30 in the previous August. The 2015 General Election was approaching, and I knew that my existence is worth something. I am as equal as anyone else, I knew that there are problems that we cannot ignore. Some politicians who are in influential, powerful positions are showing irresponsibility and pathetic negligence.
  • I knew that 2015 was a year, for me, to get involved. I did not know which political party to join…
  • Conservatives were the leading party in power, things needed a change. I have never agreed with their right-wing policies. Most of Britain does. This was/still is the problem. Most people seemed to be closing their ears to problems of others. People are led by the ‘propaganda’ they see in the news, or read in the newspapers. Readers will always consider what they read as ’neutral’. I just look at the front pages of the highly-popular tabloid papers, and i cry inside. Their stories are read as 'national news' by Britons. British people are showing such mental weakness, we allow ourselves to be sold these racist, hate-mongering stories. We are sensible, level-headed people so, we get wounded and made to feel a combination of hatred and vengefulness, at hearing of such 'news' stories. I have since realised that these ’newspaper/comics’ are bought by a certain group of people. Not all, but many of a higher age… 65+… These are the people who vote!
  • Do younger people not care? We do, but we are letting our futures to be ruled by those of the past.
  • These elderly voters may not fear what will happen in the future, 'our years', not 'their's'.
  • It hurts me that there are very few of us, who feel as lucky as myself to be here. We are all unbelievably lucky, even those who have left us, are lucky to have experienced life on this planet. We owe humanity and our planet, so much.
  • Humanity must exist in the future, for as long as possible. We owe it to the future.
  • We risk to be reviewed as part of the ’21st Century Human Race’ who failed. Our desire and greed killed us.

  • I was quick to understand that the Green Party stands for so much more than just 'climate-change', 'recycling', and the 'environment'. 
  • It offends me when i hear friends talk about 'the Green Party', and 'recycling' as if they are two unique entities bonded together, and nothing else is even considered! The Party so much deeper than caring about one issue alone.
  • Whilst recycling is a core part of the general belief preached, many, many more topics are discussed and problems tackled. 'Recycling' is such an almighty phenomenon, every political party understands it's importance. Some ignore, and some political parties are more active in regards of the topic, than others. 
  • The Green Party, correctly uses true utilitarian politics, with best, positive results, for as many as possible. They do not allow for successes of one group of people, over another. I completely ally with this basic concept. It does scare me that the majority of our population does not follow this belief! Other parties make selections of 'favourite groups', often trying to increase their privilige at the cost of others. Are we not beyond this, in the 21st Century? The Human race needs to work together.
  • A true democracy should no longer be a two-horse race. If you support the idea of a democracy, vote for what you believe in. Please show the power of your own mind. Don't feel trapped by just the two or three old parties, this is a new Century!