Welcome to my blog. It varies how regular I write posts here. I sustained a 'Traumatic Acquired Brain Injury', and a six month coma from a 'road traffic accident' whilst cycling, in October 2006. I spent the following 4 years (22-26yrs old), in a combination of hospitals and rehabilitation homes. Now, I have been living independently in Surbiton, England since October 2010. This blog begun life in December 2010, as i realised that there are many people worldwide that i want to share experiences with. I know that, as a wheelchair user, I am obviously not as mobile as i wish, so, use the internet to connect to you. I enjoy letting my thoughts represent through type. I type honestly. As numerous readers, as well as email recipients, will understand, I find typing to be very therapeutic. Thank you :)
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Friday, 29 May 2015

...always exist.

I look at my notes and realise that this post could be a blues song.

I woke up, Saturday morning, I lie in because i can. Reality depresses me. I am used to this, and so I have no choice but to accept the situation. Accept and just live life. The strange thing is, I do this, then as I live life, I find so many little 'positives'. I recognise these, floating atop an ever-present, huge, underlying negative (friendships, lovers, old employment, and physical abilities have all died or close). Hmmm...

Every problem... has a solution. Humans choose to which level they solve.
Ok, I believe that 'problems' are only meaning that 'lone solutions' exist somewhere. Everything can be matched, nullifying problems.
However, 'problems' result in creativity of the human desire for solutions, emotive artistic expressions, and joy of success. We need all three results.

I am on the train to Waterloo, when I discover I have left my mobile phone at home! Shock! Horror! I know exactly where I left it, so annoyed that I did so. Anyway, I have no choice but to continue. It has been ages since I have been in central London, but fortunately I know where I am going. I have no camera, or internet! :( ...  It is on the return trip back through to Waterloo, I am tempted to lose myself, as I trust my sense of direction! However, I pass down a side street, discover roadworks, blocking the pavement. I knew that without my map/internet on my phone, plus roadworks, I was not prepared to get lost! My wheelchair battery also had to be gauged. I need my phone, not for talking!

An interesting observation, that may bore many of you. However, I feel that there is an uncanny link. Perhaps Arsenal should be considered years ahead of Barcelona!!

Arsenal third shirt 2007/08

New, forthcoming Barcelona home shirt (2015/16)

stories of corruption in football?… who would’ve thought?
I still consider myself to have a 'cyclist's brain'. Therefore it makes me laugh that other people are shocked/surprised by news of corruption in sport. It is not good, but it is a basic fact of life, people cheat. We all desire more success, this is a result. When suit-wearing, non competitors are involved, money is used, sport stars are merely pawns. Money corrupts. Oil corrupts. Fear not though, the sport will always exist.

original (click here)

Friday, 22 May 2015


I need to cross
I wait for cars, then I can cross (traffic free)
This how my brain works, has always worked, surely how everyone works...
This process works about 80% of the time. Approximately however, every fifth car that approaches stops midway, and waves me across, in front of it! A jam of cars ensues, as I argue in sign language that 'no, I am not going to cross! I do not have right of way! If you don't run me over, another car may do. I AM NOT GOING THROUGH ALL OF THAT AGAIN!!!' Once a full traffic jam has been developed, the car moves. Yet, I am quite aware that I have increased stress of other drivers, even more. I will be seen as 'that stupid, annoying, disabled bloke'...

Stop waving me across! I do not have right of way'!!! Grrrrr :(

Is it any wonder why UKIP are successful, when irresponsible ****, national newspapers can supply nationwide propaganda ?

It hurts me that some of us must buy and read The Daily Mail, considering it as a newspaper! I hope you know better.

Football stickers...
I continue by admitting to the fact of my surprise earlier this week. I found an unusual email in my inbox, sent from Panini Stickers. I am 30, no longer a schoolboy! I did, finally, complete the World Cup 2010 sticker collection, so stopped at the age of 25! Anyway, this email intrigued me,  Not a World Cup year, or even a Euro championships! I was being advertised a sticker collection of  the 2015 Women's World Cup! I laughed to myself, I shouldn't collect these, should I?

Coffee shop whore 
I have standards! However, it has been recognised  by many coffee shops that my highly skilled tactic (not really), is to go around, using as many coffee shops, tactfully praising all, making as many friends (spreading the love), as possible, to my gain! I have been called the three words above, a couple of times by different cafes. I am not offended. It is just a fact of life.

My homemade coffee is best! :)

a new toy! A Bialetti Cafetiere :)

Shit happens. Instead of panicking, foreseeing a problem, we must just accept that 'shit happens', maintain self confidence, and then the good will out.
If we can solve the problem, we will. If we cannot, we won't, but we must accept it.  Acceptance allows us to move on, not stuck, descending in a spiral of despair. Don't create a problem if it doesn't exist yet. Solve it properly, when it does exist.

Friday, 15 May 2015

some words...

Thanks to Christian Larsson, my current read...

some 'light-hearted' words...


I am waiting, lonelily waiting. I am not sad or particularly unhappy. I am just waiting. I live my life, but know that we only have so much control. Wealth, power, age, location are all very distinguishable issues that most people like to choose themselves (age/time always exists for all of us). It saddens me that most people do not truly understand that 'shit happens'. I have been praised so much for having strong mental abilities since my accident. I argue that these abilities always existed, as I always knew/feared that something would damage me. I would cycle, so happy and content, but I knew that an accident may occur, negating all of the positives cycling had given me. I had fear that everything equals. I cannot cycle, but I still retain all of the mental wonders that cycling gave me! I am happy having finally stated this. People will argue against my 'laissez-faire' attitude, but little do they understand me. People will find it difficult to believe me. Only my former girlfriend could do. I only told her, preceding the accident, of a fear. I am sorry.  

Sir Bradley... 

please view the following webpage, for further images...

Sitting in hospital awaiting gym session. A nurse drops things on floor...
I am sitting, along with three others. I find it so difficult to remain silent. I am a man. Men should hold open doors for females. I am in an exceptional situation, I think I have learnt this. She dropped equipment on the floor, and I felt the need to offer help or assistance. No one else offered, even though able-bodied, so I stopped myself. I wanted to help, but I was not sure if able, and not sure if I should...
... She was ok in the end :)

Friday, 8 May 2015

I win!!!

OK, the election has been and gone. Britain decided to hurt itself even more. No comment.
Ignore the election.
Shit happens.

A positive note, made last week...
I win! Les Kirkin memorial trophy

I was presented the above trophy by Kingston Museum. I won two awards in their borough-wide photography competition. The subject was 'rememberance', I knew instantly what my photograph would be, once subject given. I claimed 'Artistic' and 'Overall' awards for entering the photograph below.

I bought the new album. Loud, banging' and full of tunes.
Classic Prodigy.

Interview with legendary musician Dave Grohl.
He sites the following Led Zeppelin track as a favourite. I knew that I was missing 'Physical Graffiti', the album highly recommended by Mr Grohl.

Wooooooh!... A deep breath as I type. An elderly couple just entered the cafe, celebrating, spitting bollocks about the election to the barista whom I have just spoken to, realising that there is no fear, she knows her stuff. It is no surprise that old politics succeed. Old people rely on old politics. Nothing lasts forever. Good things will evolve with time.

Humans are great…but…i believe that our souls are part of something much greater,,,

I sleep much of the weekend (like many people). When out, around town, on the weekend, different people are visible, to weekdays. Everyone is out, as part of 'a couple'. I am more than used to these psychological problems. I am different, I know, but I am lucky to be here. My related note, may seem soooooo obvious, but it does hurt. 
I miss being able to walk hand in hand

I follow with a tip-off of a food type I don't think I could live without. I have found the best.
Wait rose Cherry Vine Tomatoes

Thursday 7th May, Election. On the radio (6music), it was stated that it was the day of selecting a 'National Bird'.  I couldn't stop laughing. Pigeon? Chicken? Kestrel? Endless joke possibilities, but I won't, I have standards!!

Friday, 1 May 2015


Whether we like it or not, EVERYONE has a responsibility for future generations. Have our own children, or not, we are all obliged to live in a sustainable world. Are we living and ensuring that future human existence can benefit from all that we do?

Big decisions must be made. Voting in a democratic society, is all about voting for what YOU believe in. Do not be afraid to 'break-away'. Please do not feel the need to follow 'the pattern'. 
Make sure that you vote for what YOU believe in. 

Please vote. Many of thousands of people have died, because they could not vote or their voice could not be heard. Make sure your ability to do such, is worth something. Please.

Thursday 7th May
7am - 10pm