Welcome to my blog. It varies how regular I write posts here. I sustained a 'Traumatic Acquired Brain Injury', and a six month coma from a 'road traffic accident' whilst cycling, in October 2006. I spent the following 4 years (22-26yrs old), in a combination of hospitals and rehabilitation homes. Now, I have been living independently in Surbiton, England since October 2010. This blog begun life in December 2010, as i realised that there are many people worldwide that i want to share experiences with. I know that, as a wheelchair user, I am obviously not as mobile as i wish, so, use the internet to connect to you. I enjoy letting my thoughts represent through type. I type honestly. As numerous readers, as well as email recipients, will understand, I find typing to be very therapeutic. Thank you :)
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Saturday, 16 June 2012

Sorry, I rant...

Back in the day, a trip abroad, would provide great anticipation, as to which music shops i would come across. I would often get great joy discovering a 'new' cd/album, by various bands. I realise that I 'am living in the past' doing this. Believe it or not, it saddened me slightly, when packing for my trip to Paris, that I would not 'gain anything' from finding a Parisian shop. FF> to the modern day Patrick. So I just went on i-tunes, where you can 'download' entire back catalogues, at the click of a mouse, on my laptop. I needed to go nowhere. Boring. Sad.

Sorry, Patrick needs to enter the modern day.

Two or three more Paris-related notes. I have noticed, and it should be noted by all the millions of girls out there, chasing me, that I seem to found all Parisian girls, drinking espresso(i), in cafes, extremely hot (attractive, as opposed to temperature!). It made me realise that I hardly ever see any English do this, never English females. Tssst. Either Britain and it people need to change, I need to move to France, or I continue without English girl.
Coffee/Espresso must remain.

As the saying goes "When in Rome..." applies to this story. I was full of joy, going along the Champs Elysees, wearing a broad smile in the sunshine, posing with my Lacoste carry bag. I wanted to top things off by posing (a wheelchair could be ignored, i hoped) in a cafe, drinking an Espresso. So I queued up, to drink staying at the bar. To my horror and utter disappointment, my little Espresso shot was served in A CARDBOARD CUP!!
Who really has an Espresso 'to go'. Surely one is not in such a rush that they cannot neck it in the cafe, and then go?
in Paris?
On the Champs Elysees?
New York? Yes I can imagine that you get 5 free Big Macs 'to go', when you order a Espresso in polystyrene cup. Do they have Espresso?

I stop.

Perhaps the next note is seemed slightly ironic. Perhaps not. A few weeks ago, and very confidence-enhancing itself, I was asked how to gain self-confidence. It was nice to be recognised as self-confident. I know that prior to my accident, I was generally happy, satisfied and content. However, it is post-coma, that I have been forced to draw on my mental ability. I knew that i had finished 'student/education life'. Whilst in hospital, I had doubts of my ability to do anything, I knew that I knew what I knew. Confused? Sorry, it makes sense.
I have known constantly for the past 5/6 years that my brain may be injured, but I can still think straight.

Hmmm. I have gained self-confidence in my thought processes. Fitness, you either have it, can gain it, or not. Mental processes are the same. Personally, often I have been forced to compensate for physical disabilities, by drawing on available mental strengths. When these have been low, I have looked back through history (always have), found out how i overcame a certain big problem, then I get the belief that i can overcome this new problem with ease. If you need to do something, just do it. Afterwards you can assess your confidence gain. Fear is your only enemy. Wipe it clean away, by just doing what you think is best. Fate will give the result. We cannot dictate our own fate.

On a more light-hearted note, I recently went into a Cafe in Kingston, pretending that i was French. I had just been in France, where favourably a black-coffee is a black coffee (un cafe). It is here in England, that the 'Starbucks fashion monster' has stolen our 'coffee' , and turned it into an 'Americano'. Asking, for a simple 'cafe noir' in Kingston, they looked at me as if i were mad and told me it would be an 'Americano'.
No No No 'Starbucks life' has Americanised everything.
Everything. We now have to pay 'on the go'. What happened to paying at the end?
France has remained defiantly European, Britain has been lost to USA.

Sorry, I rant...    

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