Wednesday, 25 August 2021

only human

I enjoy being an ‘outsider’

I have to steer away from stark reality that I face, by confronting stark and terrifying realities that we all face!

I am only human. 

Whether we like it or not, we are all ‘only human’! Broken up, individually we cannot do anything, but compiled as ‘one’, we can. 

- We unintentionally caused this problem, in a number of different ways, but... 

- we are able to solve it, if we all work together. 

- It will be difficult, but we can do it. Humanity must help itself, but to do so... 

- we ALL must help each other. 

- Such regressive politics as Brexit, still hurts the ENTIRE WORLD. Five years ago, but choosing to act so greedily, by globally promoting such insular-politics, we doomed everyone! I am embarrassed to be British!

I go out, late afternoon, to collect from the pharmacy, I then grab a ‘double espresso’ from Caffe Nero. I will remain forever proud, of progressing forward, from Hospital, through rehabilitation life, out. Away. I feel such horror, when I consider the people that people had psychologically switched off, and their entire lives would be spent ‘in-care’! I am still so determined to maintain as much personal independence, even though receiving offers of help from everyone/anyone!

I keep it because I am so proud, and self-believing! 

(I have always been like this, my close friends will know oh so well)! 

OK, I have just re-read the above two paragraphs! I begin by clearly stating that WE ARE ONE,  but then I argue for my independence! I must reassure you that they are not related, I am not being contradictory!

Always remember to try and step-back and assess yourself objectively. Which parts of your life are you ‘succeeding’ in, which parts are you not achieving as you want? Everyone will have these two contrasting areas, and if assessed correctly, you will realise that they equal. Be proud of the positives but focus on the negatives, calculating how you can improve these. Recognise how the ‘positives’ are best used, find how you reduce the impact of the ‘negatives’. They may always exist at some level, but their impact on both you and others, must be reduced!

OK, enough blurbing on about my philosophies. 



Built nearly five years ago, the development of my website (, was a good excuse to indulge! 

Recently, I wanted to prove to myself that I can still taste different coffee beans fairly accurately. I left the shop, with great pride after tasting a coffee bean of their blend, guessing accurately which countries compiled the blend!

My taste buds still working suitably well!

My Bialetti Moka is my love!

Yes, I am teaching myself Italian through the Duolingo App.
I started in the first Lockdown of last year. My daily streak is 475days! I have also 'won' the top 'Diamond league', achieving a special status!

Music news…

New Courtney Barnett album 12th November

'Things take time. Take time.'

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