Friday, 22 June 2018

in motion

Recent world news concerning a certain Donald Trump, has given me no choice but to edit my article, that I had written last week, regarding his proposed July visit. He seems to be successfully splitting the globe up. I don’t like it, no-one should. Britain should not let him parade his ‘insular’, ‘regressive’ triumphs here. He is not progressive, and MUST NOT be applauded for such.
———-Trump edit

This is MY blog, so it should not be a surprise at all, that I talk about myself! I know that my physiotherapist agrees with me, when I state... 
‘Sometimes, what’s holding me back, is that I think too much!
Honestly, it is surprising how many physical actions the human body carries out, automatically. I have become so used to thinking carefully about every action, throughout rehabilitation life, these thoughts never-end. I must have more reliable faith in my body, I have progressed so far, and I continue to do so. 

A beautiful 'Bauhaus Movement' twitpic...

Hospital life, was upsetting, because there were obvious disabilities, but new disabilities I also had, were discovered daily. My self-belief in my own abilities were decreasing, every day.
I spent most of the time, in hospital, searching for ‘positives’. 
I was lucky, I was only 22. I had to face these problems at ‘my physical peak’.  Both positive, and negative attributes could always be found.
I remember lying in hospital thinking ‘thank g*d I’m not older’.
I had completed my education.
I was at an age which would allow my body to cope with what was needed.
My girlfriend and I had such a good, close relationship (this kept me mentally strong).
I had achieved every goal that I had set myself.
I was not due to end.
I knew that I had a lifetime ahead of me. 22 is YOUNG!

Am i the only person who looks when crossing the road?
I am fortunate that I live independently. I am used to living away from care. I know my ‘Green Cross Code’...
Perhaps too well...
I feel surprised regularly by others’ basic inability to read traffic. I don’t drive, but I may understand cars well. I am careful.
If approaching a junction, on the pavement (I AM a pedestrian), I look towards any approaching traffic. This is a basic requirement of anyone, but “Oh, man!” There are so many able-bodied pedestrians, who take such unnecessary risks.  It seems that I am able to foresee too many dangers! I can't physically take risks. I don't want to anyway. 

It is likely that I may seem very ‘over-confident’, daring, self-assured, and unfortunately, maybe rude. However, I plead my innocence. Self-confidence is required by everyone, especially by those who face a detriment of an injury, or any sort of disability. Part of the reason why I write this blog, is to confidently, share my inner thoughts.
I have done so for almost eight years (almost 12 since accident)!
Truthfully, I am confident (I hope not ‘over-confident’). I am daring, and realise that I may seem very ‘self-assured’. These three attributes exist because they are necessary. Unfortunately they are all ‘hollow masks’. Each of the three are used by myself to hide an emptiness inside. Maybe, I will always be partly empty inside, but I know that part has grown and gained in such strength that, I previously, would not have been able to comprehend! This imbalance, equates.

Music saves the day, again!
discovery that my speakers were not properly playing stereo
So connected correctly and wailed in tune to 
‘Burn the witch’
Radiohead make everything good for me :)

I am a former World Champion, however only a few close family and close friends know this! Therefore, reliability of this claim could be doubted.
Anyway, I found an ‘online Uno’ version of this famous card game. I played, and soon found out the problem. There is no way I can ‘play my game’. Cheating is not possible. Therefore it was just a game of luck! Is this real UNO? I sulked, and quit. What is the point?

I remember regularly owning a strange feeling when cycling, throughout the years of my late teens/very early twenties. I was able to let my busy mind, break free, feeling such joy in turning the pedals and moving completely independently. I regularly had a bad feeling that things must equate...
‘I know that cycling is giving me so much to almost every part of my life. I am extremely grateful for this. How could I live my life, without ‘cycling’? I really don’t know, but then, I will always have ‘cycling’. The only way, it could leave, would be if I got injured... it could injure me. I must stop thinking like this!’

'Round are way' is such a brilliant B-side. Yes, it was originally only released as a B-side to the 'Wonderwall' single! Oasis had a supreme quantity of quality B-sides.

Round are way (b-side to ‘Wonderwall’)

How good is this? 
We (England) are still in the World Cup!
It is an international festival, every four years. The whole world celebrates together!
Welcome it.
Embrace it.
Love it!

World in motion

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