Friday, 2 February 2018


Choosing to leave Arsenal, for Jose Mourinho’s Man Utd, is a poor mistake.
Maybe everyone at Man Utd ‘forgets’, just like Rio did!
I am a cyclist who recognises the largest problem facing every world sport. Cheating is not allowed. All sport-stars are responsible for themselves.

I have been a big fan of Courtney Barnett since releasing her first album,’The Double EP: A sea of split peas’ was released in 2013. Two years later, a strong ‘follow-up’ (‘Sometimes I sit and think, and sometimes i just sit’). Released in 2017, a magnificent duet, was her next step. The brilliant character of her bright, Australian voice rebounds vibrantly off of the steadier, male voice of Kurt Vile. I feel that the duet was a brilliant idea. 
Courtney Barnett and Kurt Vile

Tuesday morning, I was very confused. I had no plans, and recognised that I had the day ‘free’. I was then unsure, as I should be used to this, but it seems a welcome change as i recognise how busy my ‘new-life’ is!
My Bialetti espresso cup ventured into Central London…
Although I am regularly using it in Surbiton, and Kingston, it’s use was welcomed by staff in ’The Fleet Street Press Office’ and Soho’s ‘Bar Italia’.

First stop, 'L'Uomino' in 'The Fleet Street Press Office'. Followed by a trip to Soho's 'Bar Italia'.

Warpaint (October 2016)

An interesting article. It is an unfortunate reality that athletes can ‘open-up’ regarding problems within their sport, but only after retiring! This may be obvious, but ‘the law of silence’ or ‘omerta’ cannot only exist within cycling. Athletes do not speak out, because such huge money exists in professional sports.
Allez Thomas!!!

Gym bike training 
My obsession with my ‘gym bike’ is welcomed by my Physiotherapist, but it has been decided to be unwise to hold myself to such a strict ‘training schedule’! I will maintain my annual targets, but not be too obsessed by my training levels. It is only this current winter period, have I been so strict, so far. I am scared of expecting too much of myself (in terms of Gym-bike). I want to push myself, but not to detriment any other part-of-my-life (my psychology, perhaps)!

A super, eye-opening interview with a legendary footballer.
My find has to be shared!

The final tune of this week’s post was only just discovered by me, yesterday. To my total surprise, I am not too late, as it was only released late last year.
There’s nothing better than a good, solid house tune, incorporating lyrics of such attitude!
Fake ID
Riton & Kah-Lo

I cannot expect to do ANYTHING. I achieve physical abilities which I had previously been unable to do. But only in reflection can I know my ability, which is severely reduced, compared to most 'regular people'. I can plan very little. I cannot look forward to anything in the way most others do. I cannot dream for things, as I don’t know what will be possible or impossible. You cannot dream for what is rationally impossible. 

“Awareness, no matter how confused it may be, develops from every act of rebellion: the sudden, dazzling
perception that there is something in man with which he can identify himself, even if only for a moment.
Up to now this identification was never really experienced. Before he rebelled, the slave accepted all the
demands made upon him. Very often he even took orders, without reacting against them, which were far
more conducive to insurrection than the one at which he balks. He accepted them patiently, though he
may have protested inwardly, but in that he remained silent he was more concerned with his own
immediate interests than as yet aware of his own rights. But with loss of patience—with impatience—a
reaction begins which can extend to everything that he previously accepted, and which is almost always
retroactive. The very moment the slave refuses to obey the humiliating orders of his master, he
simultaneously rejects the condition of slavery. The act of rebellion carries him far beyond the point he
had reached by simply refusing. He exceeds the bounds that he fixed for his antagonist, and now demands
to be treated as an equal. What was at first
the man's obstinate resistance now becomes the whole man, who is identified with and summed up in this
resistance. The part of himself that he wanted to be respected he proceeds to place above everything else
and proclaims it preferable to everything, even to life itself. It becomes for him the supreme good. Having
up to now been willing to compromise, the slave suddenly adopts ("because this is how it must be . . .")

an attitude of All or Nothing. With rebellion, awareness is born.” 

Albert Camus has written so much that i am very grateful for. A lot of his work may seem too deep, for many, but I urge readers to stick with him. You will move to sections that are easier to comprehend, yet still so rewarding.

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