Friday, 26 January 2018

One planet

Respect what you love and you need... (please click on the Bold Blue external links)
OK, a different culture, a different country, where coffee/caffeine is recognised as a drug. People go in to a bar on a lunch break, down the espresso, and can continue their day.
I know that i am definitely not alone, by suggesting that primarily Starbucks are to blame. They have continued a true American style, exporting their king-size portions, worldwide. The culture of greed, has taken-over. There are rival ‘high-street-chain-stores’ who compete identically for a portion of the market. These companies all serve a piping-hot espresso, to hold a customer inside the shop whilst they sell them further sugary sweets. No matter how English people think, we don’t have a ‘coffee-culture’, we have a ‘fast-food greed’. Most people no-longer need a cup and saucer, for their coffee.
Do you need a ‘Friggin’ knife and fork?!

OK, enough rambling and complaining about others. Sorry!

I am in a wheelchair at the moment, but i still regard myself as ‘a cyclist’, in many ways. My love of the professional sport peaked in the very same period that the sport was suffering perhaps it’s toughest test. My visit to the Alps in the summer of 2006  showed me a Tour that was imploding, but remained to fight strong.
My sport!… Le Tour 2006

Friends have always recognised my fascination with cheating in sport. Cheating still exists, if you can be bothered looking. If no-one looks, there is never a problem! 

A brief explanation of 'the absurd' that we all face...

The above quote is from my current read 'The Meursault Investigation', by Kamel Dauod. Meursault being the main character of Albert Camus' 'The Outsider'.

Further apologies. The next paragraph may be so boring for you. I include it for myself. I review my own performance, near the start of this year. I will follow up throughout the year.
I have started a lot earlier this year, on my Gym-bike, as i have a ‘Gym-bike goal’ that I believe i could reach by the end of this year, or next. Having known how my strength/power on the pedals, increased last year, I want to continue the improvement.

Monday, not happy with my ‘Gym performance on Gym-bike’.
But, it is January!
50metres short of last week’s ‘5min sprint’ (same gear/resistance)
Ok, not important, but disappointing and frustrating!
Tuesday, disappointing home-based performance :(
Wednesday - ‘Rest Day’ , hospital physiotherapy session
Thursday - 50/50
A 10minute test. A similar distance achieved to PB, but subconsciously balanced leg power output, exactly! :)

Friday ?
I haven’t ridden yet!...
Saturday or Sunday.  One day ride, one day rest.

The latest newsletter for the Kingston Green Party is currently being printed. I have changed the layout of the classic 'political party newsletter'. The Green Party is different, and will not remain stuck in an old fashion. I will provide some photos of a printed version, when ready.
Please click this link for more.

This is sickening.

We all live in a period, in which our home is suffering. We must all realise that we need our home. We will all be capable of keeping our home, if we all work together. Such diverse extremes of wealth will not allow us to share our vast quantities of knowledge. We must pool our knowledge, to attempt the battle that we face. Everyone is missing out through nationalism. We must unite. Our home is just one planet, Earth.

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