Friday, 30 October 2015

rated PG...

I must stop dreaming of living life as I had forever desired. I should start living my 'second life', the best way I see fit. I almost died, but was allowed to 'live again.' Fortunately, I have been allowed to hold on to a few key things, but find myself in need of starting afresh, elsewhere. I am soooo lucky :)

I made the note above, early in the week. I was feeling bewildered, lost and confused, so remembered this fact to balance my mind. 
Monday morning, I hit the gym. I attain the similar PB, testing my legs. I am happy again, very close to perfect balance of arm power.
4.26 :s
51/49 arms

Food is packaged for two.
I unusually spent a long time in the supermarket this week. I had a voucher to spend, so was extra-observant of the pricing of unusual items. As expected, I unfortunately viewed the fact that virtually everything is packaged for two consumers. Shopping for an individual can be so much more limited than being comfortable 'buying for two'.

Accessibility. This is usually only noticed if a location has extremely good levels. If a place is inaccessible, it may be ignored and disregarded by me, but used normally by everyone else. So often I have to accept the fact that 'normal people', solve problems for 'normal people'. Designed solutions can never be perfect for everyone, so it  seems that wheelchairs are 'designed out', regularly. I hate venues with an accessible add-on (a room for wheelchairs, segregating them from able humans, even further psychologically). It is saying that the venue was originally a poor design, with limited usability. The 'add-on' was built to make the venue look 'modern'. Truthfully, a modern, good design is usable by everyone. Poor designs should not be allowed to hide in disguise. Old, poor designs should become redundant.

Black Sun by Gary Tarn
A superb film describing the mentality of a disabled (blind) person during initial life after being injured. I found this brilliant, as he explains well, some of the psychological problems faced by those having to face living with a disability. Although, a very different injury from mine, similar in that 'basic' life skills have needed to be re-learnt.

A pathetic, lonesome, stupid dependant, locked away, in care. This is how it sometimes feels that some random people assume that I am, because they only know that I need a wheelchair!
I have a life. Sorry about the foul language. Everyone must love life! I have spent far too long in both hospitals and 'rehabilitation homes'. There is no way that anyone can pin me down, restricting me to my flat for long periods. Well, there is, when I rely on a wheelchair. Shit happens, but do people really expect it to remain?

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