Friday, 23 October 2015

Epsilon = ?

Epsilon = 0

The epsilon symbol is used in mathematics to represent 'the  sum of'.  By using it  alone, I am applying it to anything or everything. As a positive figure can always be mirrored into a negative figure, we realise that 'everything has an equal and opposite.' Balance. Everything balances.

My music 'plug' of this week, was actually discovered last week, but omitted from the blog post...

PB arms 47/53 10min
Going to the gym is all about targeting goals set by yourself. I cycled my arms for a 10 minute session, reaching my distance target, comfortably. However, the achievement that I am happiest with, was my unintended ability of balancing my power output between both arms. 47%left / 53%right

Me. Always confident in myself. Am I starting to question this? No. Well. maybe...
My life. Eeek!! Shit happens. I accept and continue on. My self-confidence allows me to do this.
I battle and learn with/from others. I am the same as everyone, but I am different.
I succeed, I attain independence. Independence. I enjoy my independence, but I have missed such a key part in people’s lifeline.
I am on a lifelong journey of recovery. This is good because it seems to be forever progression. However this is a hard fact to face, as I live but I don’t live. I am living alone. No-one is like me. Everyone with a regular brain is the same. Anyone with an injured 'regular brain' may be suffering tragically, but there is absolutely no reason to group them separately, together in a group. Their only similarity maybe reliance on a wheelchair. The inability of walking independently, is of no surprise whatsoever. This fact is not a reason to group them together. Brain injuries can result in such varying conditions. As it takes over 200 different muscles in the human body, to walk, it is of no surprise that the walking ability of those suffering such an injury is seriously affected.

Presented on Jimmy Carr's 'Countdown'...

PANIC!  Death of phone...
Tuesday. I awoke with my alarm coming from my iPhone. I have Radiohead's 'Paranoid Android', programmed to wake me (I then give myself a ten minute 'snooze', before the chords of Jonny Greenwood's guitar awaken me again). Tuesday, I awaken, but my phone is not turning off! Thom Yorke's vocals start. Problem, but no problem! The song finishes, but I panic. No button works, apart from 'off/on'. I panic, 'how will I survive without my mobile phone?' I have done nothing wrong, yet it is dead. It died in my sleep. ASAP I take it to the shop.
I am still unsure of what went wrong. I realise that these few communications companies could quite rapidly cripple the entire globe by halting their service. I am embarrassed at how easy the solution was (holding the two buttons simultaneously). It works, but the initial problem may never be known or resolved.

We have to learn to live our fate and accept it, contently. We cannot truly predict our fate, and we must accept that anything can participate in our fate. Our fate happens, and we can accept this by understanding that everything equals. The sum of all positives, equal the sum of all negatives (and obviously, vice-versa)!

Fed up with signage. 

What am I?
I am much more psychologically comfortable with a toilet being unnamed, unrestricting, and accessible to all (unless in use!!!)
Wheelchair users are not classed as 'regular humans. Interestingly, it seems that men and women are the same, but wheelchair users are something else (as are babies). Surely if men and women can use the same, wheelchair users should be allowed to?! Have one, and make it accessible!!!!! Grrrrrrr.  

slow cooker ecology
Ever since being introduced to this method of cooking, I have been unsure about it. I am embarrassed by admitting to only now/recently searching for an answer to the  obvious question on the ecology of this process...

I write this post on 23rd October. I did my 'supermarket shop' on 19th. Well over two months away ( > a sixth of a year)!
Am I just an old man?

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