Friday, 22 May 2015


I need to cross
I wait for cars, then I can cross (traffic free)
This how my brain works, has always worked, surely how everyone works...
This process works about 80% of the time. Approximately however, every fifth car that approaches stops midway, and waves me across, in front of it! A jam of cars ensues, as I argue in sign language that 'no, I am not going to cross! I do not have right of way! If you don't run me over, another car may do. I AM NOT GOING THROUGH ALL OF THAT AGAIN!!!' Once a full traffic jam has been developed, the car moves. Yet, I am quite aware that I have increased stress of other drivers, even more. I will be seen as 'that stupid, annoying, disabled bloke'...

Stop waving me across! I do not have right of way'!!! Grrrrr :(

Is it any wonder why UKIP are successful, when irresponsible ****, national newspapers can supply nationwide propaganda ?

It hurts me that some of us must buy and read The Daily Mail, considering it as a newspaper! I hope you know better.

Football stickers...
I continue by admitting to the fact of my surprise earlier this week. I found an unusual email in my inbox, sent from Panini Stickers. I am 30, no longer a schoolboy! I did, finally, complete the World Cup 2010 sticker collection, so stopped at the age of 25! Anyway, this email intrigued me,  Not a World Cup year, or even a Euro championships! I was being advertised a sticker collection of  the 2015 Women's World Cup! I laughed to myself, I shouldn't collect these, should I?

Coffee shop whore 
I have standards! However, it has been recognised  by many coffee shops that my highly skilled tactic (not really), is to go around, using as many coffee shops, tactfully praising all, making as many friends (spreading the love), as possible, to my gain! I have been called the three words above, a couple of times by different cafes. I am not offended. It is just a fact of life.

My homemade coffee is best! :)

a new toy! A Bialetti Cafetiere :)

Shit happens. Instead of panicking, foreseeing a problem, we must just accept that 'shit happens', maintain self confidence, and then the good will out.
If we can solve the problem, we will. If we cannot, we won't, but we must accept it.  Acceptance allows us to move on, not stuck, descending in a spiral of despair. Don't create a problem if it doesn't exist yet. Solve it properly, when it does exist.

1 comment:

  1. I agree with you on the roads. I remember your accident. Some years later walking across a zebra crossing I was knocked down. I was lucky – despite the injuries, as far as I know I have recovered. At crossings and road calming measures I see daily car madness. I see overtaking on zebra crossings whilst people are waiting to cross. I see vans entering via the wider exit point. Pedestrians and cyclists assume they will be safe at their own risk. You have to 'drive' for the driver. You have to anticipate that they will not stop. Zanshin is a Japanese martial art term indicating that you should remain in a state of awareness.
