Friday, 29 May 2015

...always exist.

I look at my notes and realise that this post could be a blues song.

I woke up, Saturday morning, I lie in because i can. Reality depresses me. I am used to this, and so I have no choice but to accept the situation. Accept and just live life. The strange thing is, I do this, then as I live life, I find so many little 'positives'. I recognise these, floating atop an ever-present, huge, underlying negative (friendships, lovers, old employment, and physical abilities have all died or close). Hmmm...

Every problem... has a solution. Humans choose to which level they solve.
Ok, I believe that 'problems' are only meaning that 'lone solutions' exist somewhere. Everything can be matched, nullifying problems.
However, 'problems' result in creativity of the human desire for solutions, emotive artistic expressions, and joy of success. We need all three results.

I am on the train to Waterloo, when I discover I have left my mobile phone at home! Shock! Horror! I know exactly where I left it, so annoyed that I did so. Anyway, I have no choice but to continue. It has been ages since I have been in central London, but fortunately I know where I am going. I have no camera, or internet! :( ...  It is on the return trip back through to Waterloo, I am tempted to lose myself, as I trust my sense of direction! However, I pass down a side street, discover roadworks, blocking the pavement. I knew that without my map/internet on my phone, plus roadworks, I was not prepared to get lost! My wheelchair battery also had to be gauged. I need my phone, not for talking!

An interesting observation, that may bore many of you. However, I feel that there is an uncanny link. Perhaps Arsenal should be considered years ahead of Barcelona!!

Arsenal third shirt 2007/08

New, forthcoming Barcelona home shirt (2015/16)

stories of corruption in football?… who would’ve thought?
I still consider myself to have a 'cyclist's brain'. Therefore it makes me laugh that other people are shocked/surprised by news of corruption in sport. It is not good, but it is a basic fact of life, people cheat. We all desire more success, this is a result. When suit-wearing, non competitors are involved, money is used, sport stars are merely pawns. Money corrupts. Oil corrupts. Fear not though, the sport will always exist.

original (click here)

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