Saturday, 16 March 2024

My current fix

 So I open with a strange note that I hope is not past its best, as it still concerns a fresh topic. 

Milk consumption has existed for many, many years, many centuries. The evolution of human consumption styles, must not stop. Recently we were feeling proud at ‘recycling’, by letting milkmen collect our glass milk-bottles for re-use. 

Dairy milk is now vastly purchased at supermarkets, sold in LDPE plastic bottles.  Yes, they are largely recyclable, however the use of the material should still be limited. Whilst the clear, transparent body, can be made of a very lightweight, thin plastic, my main issue is at the top!

Milk bottle lids

Surely these are problematic, dense materials which are difficult to recycle, as many rely on colour to define a milk-type…

Coloured - recycle problems

It is so much more difficult to recycle coloured plastics, than transparent ones.

The heaviest, most dense part of the bottle, by far, is the lid. 

Why can we not re-use these and save the plastic waste?

___ As many large yogurt pots seem to sell themselves using just a foil lid (encouraging us to re-use lids previously supplied), surely supermarkets can apply the same tactic to milk bottles?

They are all the same size, same thread. However they are usually a translucent colour which renders them useless for recycling. We customers, must be aware of this and ask our supermarkets to act more responsibly!

Hygiene issues?

I thought deeper, and the biggest problem must be to do with ‘Hygiene Issues’, but if  the foil lid is maintained, there should be no difference to the current service provided?

I raised this issue directly in-store with the two large supermarkets in Surbiton. The only response I got was a rejection because of ‘health and safety’!…  

Ah well, I tried (it sounds like an easy ‘get-out’, to me so I post my idea here, online)!

A few weeks ago, the 6Music festival was headlined by The Smile plus live orchestra!

The Smile

More more MORE

Faster faster FASTER

Again again AGAIN...

...We all need to WAKE-UP!

It was whilst I was in a Hydrotherapy session, I was reminded of the case I had promoted during a recent Physiotherapy session,  the need for small-steps. It may sound obvious, but small-steps are such an important, easier task that EVERYONE MUST ADOPT! 

The world is full of people that follow this route. They progress by constantly desiring more, faster, continuously!

This attitude is wrong, and clearly impossible to sustain. It is very difficult to comprehend a way of ‘growth forever’.

Bicycles supplied to all citizens, to end motor vehicles!...

A progressive idea, promoted in South-Western France...

The Mayor of 'Arachon' aims to offer a bike to every citizen. Around 16,000 have been given out since 2013!

My current FIX

Play loud, with Bass UP!! 

(Only when needed)

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