Wednesday, 11 September 2019

power failures

I feel that we ALL are in debt to this world.

What a wonderful world

September, summer has gone. I travel along the riverside, yet I realise happiness surrounds most! It is delightful weather, and I feel that most people are recognising how lucky we are.
The world is one, circular, globe. Everywhere has an opposite position, everyone must realise this fact. All inhabitants, feed from the world, and its’ produce. Everyone has a take/take relationship, with Earth. We all are in debt.

Yahoo! I finally celebrate my discovery of recyclable toothbrush heads. It had been irritating me how Oral-B had sold me an electric toothbrush, but then had hooked my custom of their litter, harming the planet, every time I was due to install a new brush-head.

Bio-degradable charcoal brush fibres, stand from the top-of-the-head. The main part (the neck) fits all Oral-B electric toothbrushes, but it is a polymer. An easily recyclable plastic, it can be melted down and the material re-formed to a new life. 

Congratulations SURBEANTON 

I was delighted on Monday afternoon, I entered the coffee shop as I had just left Sainsbury’s (across the road). The staff all wore a huge grin, but it was only after asking that I find out why!
Voted ‘The best Tea/Coffee house’ in ‘south-west London/Surrey’ 
Congratulations for winning the biggest prize!

It is widely felt that the British political system is broken. Proportional representation is a step in the direction, but older parties do not like the theory.
Older parties must be forced to face facts (just look at the problematic, current state of things).
A more drastic change is needed. 
A change that will entice more people to become politically aware.
After generating ideas for our Kingston Green Party, I left one of my favourite coffee shops (‘The Fleet Street Press’), went past the Royal Courts of Justice, and around the Aldwych. My mind was buzzing...
It is widely recognised that the British political system is hurting…
Drastic help is needed.
A bold change is required.
How about we have a General Election, more frequently, perhaps each year?
That way power failures cannot last. MPs would need each other, and parties will be forced to work together. Everyone works with an open desk, and is able to see everything belonging to every other MP. No-one is allowed secrets. By working together, real problems will need to be prioritised, and solved. No party dominates. Everyone wins? A new PrimeMinister each year? The nation unites, larger problems will be solved. No party dominates. Leaders will always feel more pressure of public scrutiny.
Candidates may continue to work by representing a political party, but the electorate (entire population) vote for individual candidates. No MP will feel a force from their party to ’follow their line’. MPs are elected, not political parties.
Campaign funding must be monitored carefully, as we learn from the US.
 MPs should not be allowed to hide in obscurity. All should be open to the entire nation.

The people must vote for the entire cabinet (which could lead to a mixed compound, no domination). MPs would stand for a constituency, and only one position in the cabinet, or PrimeMinister.

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