Friday, 21 December 2018

The Best in England!

Mid-Winter 21st December, which means that Summer is now on the horizon (I usually publish after midday so I’m correct, if so)!

Blog's 8th Birthday yesterday 
I begin to type this post on Wednesday, as my Physiotherapy session was cancelled. So ‘yesterday’ is actually my ‘tomorrow’! I will update this text  tomorrow, with a more accurate value of ‘total page-views’…

…So, at 12 noon GMT on December 20th, the total page-view count was 150,211.
2018 = 18,072
So, averages over 1500 per month (in 2018). 
I am pleased with these numbers, as although less than last year’s value, 2017 did seem to be an anomaly!
Last year's popularity was in France, this year back to the UK!
This high total, really does help me. I do not earn any money from this, but it is an invaluable psychological aid.
Thank you :)

Cumulative totals...
2011 - 3195
2012 - 9020 (5,825 views)
2013 - 16, 483 (7,463 views)
2014 - 23,454 (6,971 views)
2015 - 30897 (7,443 views)
2016 - 42,089 (11,192 views)
2017 - 132,139 (90,050 views)
2018 - 150,211 (18,072 views)

Things that happen, are supposed to happen. It is totally pointless, wasting energy, trying to fight most occurrences. We must accept them, and use them to our best ability.
The question that humans will never have a 100% factual answer to, is ‘why has it happened?’ (many physicians may disagree with me, sorry).
I believe that the search for this answer, may be obvious, or may harm us in some way. Humans can only accurately assess the past, but any assessment of the future will only ever be a prediction. Therefore we must remain confident that at some point in the future, we will be able to reflect on the situation, join the dots, and find the answer to which we were searching for originally!

Everyone will journey different paths, resulting in the wonder of human variation. Different routes, result in different stories of life. Global population is around 7.7 billion people. There are 7.7 billion different routes on different pathways. Everyone is different, but there is one essential resource from which we all must feed, forever… ‘Our Earth’.

Our Earth
Our Climate 

Continued lazy, greedy, ignorance of damage to our climate, could be apocalyptic. Behaviour of our recent fashion for ‘continued growth of everything’ MUST STOP. Humanity has evolved far enough to recognise our problem, therefore it is our duty to act.
Infinite growth cannot exist.

Pre-ordered Wednesday for full release early February 2019…

I am such a fan of ‘Tiny Ruins’, that I have  bought the three tracks, as part of pre-ordering the album!… The first on my ‘2019’ playlist!

One of my town’s supermarkets shows a good example of offering an ethical responsibility, right at the front of the store. I already knew of this Sainsbury’s ‘Food Donation Point’, before entering. I convinced myself to participate, so i did.

I filled my basket with my shopping. I went and added a tin of beans. My overall cost rose by about 4%. A small donation, but a donation. How can any of us ignore this call for help at Christmas? 

I guess he just got tired of ‘flying through the air’!

Tuesday is the day that I often have totally free for myself. This week I journeyed up to Soho’s Bar Italia. Realising that it is the week ahead of Christmas, I chose to treat myself and order a Cappuccino (usually only an espresso suffices).

Oh MY!
There should be no doubt that I have found THE BEST CAPPUCCINO, in England!

One of the best versions of Bittersweet Symphony - Legendary

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