Friday, 31 August 2018

C'est la vie

—— Feline supremacy ——
—— Refillable cleaners ——
—— C’est la vie ——

Cats rule. Ok.

Anyone who shares a home with a cat, will know that they do not OWN the cat. 
Cats know, oh so well, that they live by their own rules! 
They accept instructions, simply because they know who feeds them, and who offers them shelter!

Be wary however, cats know how to manipulate humans, so effectively. Many of you may argue, but cats are cleverer than dogs. 
The end. Case closed.

Refillable cleaners. 
Buy 1st a bottle, then refills (or ‘new cartridges of concentrated substance’). 
Yes, we recycle packaging a lot more than previously, but I believe that the next step involves a ‘culture-shift’. 
I feel that we must open our eyes a lot wider, to recycling for ourselves, in our homes. If we finish ‘using a product’ or ‘eating a consumable’, we are likely to be left with empty packaging. 
So, we buy some more of the product. Are we aware how much of the cost is spent on more packaging? It not only costs us financially, but is cost to the world in terms of the material used and the energy of production costs.

We have an empty package sitting at home!!!
Why are we buying more than we need?
Why are we costing the Earth more than is needed?

A tiny portion of concentrated cleaner, is diluted with water, and used in a 're-cycled' spray bottle.

Household cleaners are the first products, of many, which spring to mind. The cleansing chemical may infect the packaging, so it is more difficult to clean the recycled material of the packaging, safely. It is unlikely that the packaging will need to be cleaned, itself, if it is to be re-used for the identical purpose.
We should recycle the packaging ourselves, by simply re-using it. We may only need  a small quantity of the chemical, which we can dilute, if needed.
It confuses me that so many products are available in ‘single-use’ packaging, only. 
Why do we allow this stupidity? 
Why pay more, to harm our home (Earth)?

Happy days!
First game of their season, La Viola hit six!

My vote for ‘Goal of the Season’, already!...
Roma's Argentine, Javier Pastore goal v Atalanta - Monday 27th August ‘18

Bolivian ‘Coraca’ was suggested as an alternative to my request. I asked for an Ethiopian coffee (presuming a similarity to the fruity ‘Ethiopian Yirgacheffe’). The alternative was a brilliant decision!

Tuesday morning coffee, I don’t read, I think to myself in desperation...
‘Aaaaah!! What have I done in my whole life, to deserve this current situation?
My mind attempts to respond, re-assuringly. ‘I work voluntarily, when I can.’
Even this has recently become minimal. How do I escape this precipice?
‘Hospital and Physiotherapy. The doorway to your road.’
This does help, but takes a lifetime (no exaggeration). The road may never end.
I live. Social media constantly tells us that EVERYONE else is living ‘to-the-max’! We are finding pictures of everyone living their lives, with their beautiful partners/families, loving themselves, on holidays on the other side of the world.’
I must stop falling down into this! Recognise, respect, move on. I see no way out... 
...but I am here!
C’est la vie :)

It was about time, I discovered a good rock band, for my ears...
Dublin based, guitar, rock, band…
Heard on 6music, (played fairly loud), immediately after completing previous note.

Fontaines DC
Chequeless Reckless

Further investigation needed. A large potential. ;)

It is September tomorrow! Summer has ended. A long, hot summer. 
We must not be surprised to experience the opposite, as autumn and winter approach. 
If we do not experience such opposition, we must accept this further signal of ‘climate change/global warming’.

We English, must embrace whatever weather we experience. We are lucky not to expect extremes in either direction. 

Professional cyclists hit the Portsmouth Road in Surbiton, earlier this summer...

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