Friday, 5 January 2018

so lucky

It felt weird, but good, going to bed on New Year’s Eve, sober!
New year’s eve was spent with parents in the afternoon, and i had decided to spend the night by myself. I went to bed at about half past midnight. I realised that I was feeling strange, I was not living ‘in-care’, or ‘drunk with friends’. I was allowed some clear thought. Very content. Chemical Brothers brought in my 2018, with some old tunes!

A new year. I have a strong enough mentality to know that I do not make a New Year resolution for myself. If one has a suggestion and i want to adopt it, I will. However, if one thinks of a ‘new year resolution’, I doubt that there is any reason to wait until new year for change.

You cannot wait for change. If you do, it will never happen. If you want change, you must attempt to create it yourself. Then you will know that either fate welcomes the change, or by failure, it is proved impossible.  As long as you maintain the idea yourself, and keep the flame burning inside, eventually fate will provide more chances. Failure only exists when both the idea and the flame, has died. 

We are all so lucky
I am sure that you are all fed-up with my deep philosophical ramblings, but you’re here reading my words, so good luck! It is Thursday, and fortunately I began today, feeling in a state of disbelief. Nothing but utter astonishment, when i considered how lucky we all are (both past and present). We all owe our life to our parents, obviously, but entire humanity is such a special concept. The overwhelming scale of ‘Entire Humanity’ is too large for any of us to consider, so can only be a concept. This is why we all must do what we can to prolong it. Humans live only on Earth. We must respect what we need. Now we can sense harm, it hurts. Fact. This is not FAKE NEWS!

St John’s Road
I visited a brilliant coffee shop, near Clapham Junction yesterday. ‘2 Love Tea and Coffee’.

Not only is it a super coffee shop, but my journey down St John’s Road, is special for me. There is a lack of curbs on this street. It may sound strange to able-bodies, but it was extremely liberating for myself in a wheelchair. I could cross the road whenever the road was empty!

I am used to always searching for traffic lights and road crossings. A slight, shallow gutter could not trap me!

Fun, fun, fun. I realise that I could be seen as very, very weird. I still find great joy in viewing professional team kits of elite cycling.


My excuse, is that I have forever been like this. Since watching the electric green and orange colours of Gianni Bugno’s Gatorade team, or the suspect Denim/Lycra of Claudio Chiapucci’s Carrera, at the Tour de France of the early 90s, I have been hooked. My pinnacle was the book that i created in 2006.

A mini-sample...

My football teams’ levels of successes, switches my focus to ‘professional-cycling’. 
Ten very useful transfers, ahead of this season...

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