Friday, 16 June 2017

Ups and Downs!

Sarah Jarosz

I open with soothing music from the latest album of Sarah Jarosz, entitled 'Undercurrent', released in 2016. 

I have always been irritated by these harmful idiots. 
Misbehaving cyclists get instructions.
I had previously refused to refer to them as 'cyclists', but now, over ten years later I give in to my own laziness. I feel detached, so refer to them as 'cyclists'. 'People' fully geared in dayglow jackets, helmets, bags etc pay less attention to 'rules of the road', because, why? 
Just because they may be dressed like a ****, does NOT  negate them from the Highway Code! What they regularly ignore is their effect on pedestrians (i count myself as one, disabled but still a pedestrian). I am not afraid to use my vocal chords to express my dismay at illegally behaving cyclists.

‘Recycling Awards’?
I include a photo of a pack of leaflets that we all received through the post in the local area. Shocked and surprised, yes i am. It is brilliant that such an important issue is being tackled by my local borough. However, I personally am ignoring this. 

'Recycling' is not a competition. It does not start and finish. It should not have a closing date! It is a lifestyle change. I find it an unfortunate strike of reality, to find that some people may need this sort of incentive to introduce this 'lifestyle change'.

96, 670
Total number of views that this blog has had since the beginning. Over six and half years...

The following note explains a mood that I can be in. Life varies. I am not feeling such today. Ups and downs. 
Tuesday, the sun was shining, making most people smile. I journeyed from Waterloo, along the Southbank to City Hall. 

I was smiling, beautiful girls were smiling. Problem. As soon as eye contact is made, I feel the need to be honest and truthful. I speak, refusing to just stare like a fool. I offer valid compliments which are usually received well (about 90% of the time). I think it is rude to look without explaining why. I own up to my noticing of their 'attraction'. No problems. I am often complimented in return, for complimenting them in the first place. Girls like 'confident honesty'. I struggle to understand men who remain forever silent. By taking this course of action the only person that loses is me (but not with my will power)! One day...

Just live. It is wonderful to dream, but better to live. Don’t waste your life, living in expectation. Just live your life and be happy. Learn that you can find joy in everything that you experience, why lose energy striving for different experiences?
Love to live. The less that you expect, the more you will love.

I always feel so guilty when I go to bed, having plugged my powered wheelchair into charge. I do not  believe it necessary to do so EVERY night (despite everyone 'in the know' telling me to do such). When I choose not to, I make sure that my planned use for the following day, is minimal. I maintain that it is a bad thing to overcharge a battery (of any kind). I do not want to 1) waste energy 2) waste money 3) speed up the death of my battery! 

The best way of buying music, and a wonderful acoustic version of a song from her latest album...
have a listen in following link...

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