Friday, 26 May 2017


Albert Camus' 'The Myth of Sisyphus' helps to explain the 'absurd'. I had been brought up and educated as a designer, with a strong belief that everything starts existence somewhere. Things/elements may then evolve, change or be designed to exist in another role. However Camus starts to explain ‘the absurd’ and the logical philosophy of existentialist, Leo Chestov, offering a strong argument for a God's existence. 

Chestov explains ‘the absurd’. Humans can design and create almost anything. That which they cannot create, but exists or have existed at some point, can be considered as ‘the absurd’. Camus was not 'existentialist' himself, he has merely told the philosophical stories of others, throughout his books.


Furthering last weeks note/post regarding my power balance of both arms. I succeeded! The gym bike was used to test my upper limbs...
I know that this means very little, as I remain a fair distance from having equal control of both sides, but it is a minor goal achieved! Happy!

Where did I find this confidence?
People may see me, and think I should have none. 
My mind's self confidence is so strong. You cannot attempt to gauge it. I am always able to fall on it/ believe in it/ use it, when needed.
I then get home, I don't like what I see in the mirror. What I see, is not how I feel.
It makes me sad, to realise what people see when they look at me.
It is no wonder that I cannot attract girls! People should therefore, not be surprised by my relative confidence in my ability to speak to females, face to face. It is my only hope...
I must banish these thoughts. I have to remember how strong my mind feels. 

OK, I am regularly urged to remain ‘quiet’ regarding my political opinion!
I take this into account, but i happily, completely ignore it. It just isn't 'British', to express dismay at our 'British, Conservative personality'.
Personally i think that many problems with British politics are due to lack of approachable candidates. Very few leading politicians, in parliament, offer any type of an attractive personality. It may seem that most MPs offer nothing. The charming smirks of Jeremy Hunt and Iain Duncan Smith represent so much. It is no surprise that the public want nothing to do with them.
Not a real democracy, but this country considers itself as ‘free’. People must voice opinions  and not live ‘under a whip’. ‘The whip’ being controlled in your constituency, by the same political party for a whole life-time (probably). If you are lucky, you may have experienced another party’s rule, for 5 years. Our country is broken. The only choice has ever been ‘left’ or ‘right’. That is not a proper, free democracy! In the recent past decades, we saw both sides funnelling centrally. I have a theory that, as the population realises that this country has jammed itself in becoming too central, we will see rise of extremes on both sides.  This may seem scary, but at least people will become more interested in the system. History shows us that the far-right is always a terrible option. British people were influenced to leave the EU, and they are only just realising that UKIP lied to us. Are they ‘far-right’? Scary. Green is the one sensible option. Not ‘left/right’, or ’21st Century Fascism’, a party concerned with the future existence of planet Earth. Slightly important! It hurts me that this party is not bigger. This country is stuck. Our electoral system has jammed to a stop, but the ‘big two’ aren’t going to help, because they forever want to be in this position, 1st or 2nd.
I ask everyone to seriously re-think who they will vote for. We need to break free. I am not young anymore, but i recognise that we owe it to the future of our country!
This system is broken.

Personal new music discoveries, that i wish to share...
Current, new music, 'Overcoats'. I am yet to investigate these properly, but it appeals... 
may 2017

but… Little Hurricane
I continue on, discovering a super, duet. Lead guitar is accompanied by very strong, rocking drums. This performance is old, relatively.

I cannot believe that I have only just found out about this band.
I love this. They do have a new album ('Same Sun Same Moon'), released April '17, proving that they are as rocking as ever!

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