Friday, 28 April 2017

three minutes


'Two aerials meet on a roof. They fall in love and decide to get married. The service was rubbish, but the reception was great.'
:) Tommy Cooper.

Caffeine quantities have always puzzled me.
I'd love to be able to regard myself as a 'coffee expert' (everything is relative), however I feel it impossible, because of the above statement! Only recently, in the past few years, have i understood that everywhere serves different quantities of caffeine in their 'regular coffee'. In my eyes, one coffee has always meant one shot of caffeine, an 'espresso shot of coffee'. However, in reality, every place is different and considers what they serve as 'normal'.

Hehehe, hmmmm. I am in my usual coffee shop (for typing my blog, on a Friday). The tiny shop has just been invaded by 'them'. The local Conservative Party! Their MP for Twickenham is sitting at the centre. They all look over 50 (except one). So, give us 30 years time, and they may have died off...
I stop.

I still am happy that everything equals at some scale.
I see parents of children... looking stressed, tired, angry, leaving me thinking -... 
People have little direction of their fate. I know this, but it concerns many. One's fate is not controlled completely by themselves. No-one can accurately plan their life. Whilst creation of future generations is important for all of the human race and it provides people with such joy, the total sum of everything equates. Continuation of human existence relies on this balance. 

By affecting the balance in any way, a game of with potentially catastrophic results is played. It is human duty to not only create future generations, but to think of the bigger picture, and provide a habitat in which these future generations can live.

It is not only irresponsible, but very weak of global, government leaders to make choices which may benefit people now, but to detriment future generations?...
I find it offensive that governments pay very little attention to our future generations. They are just concerned about pleasing people 'here and now'. The furthest into the future that they plan is five years (or, until the government changes in the next election). They are letting down the human race, but they get away with it because they may have a few happier constituents! 

O' Brother is a heavy, atmospheric rock band.
They stack amps high and release a punishing wave of deep grooves and gargantuan breakdowns bridged by gorgeous, ethereal still parts. The quintet has steadily toured for the last decade bringing their epic, existential tunes to audiences across the globe. 

Every three minutes...
I am fairly certain that i am correct, but have not checked...
This blog has been attaining over 15,000 page views per month.  My mind says 30 days per month. 5000 for ten days. 500 per day. 250 per 12 hours. Over 20 per hour. Over 10 page views per 30mins. One pageview per three minutes.

Costa experience 
Espresso only served in a 'takeaway cup', but recycled!!
My joy. I experienced such joy, whilst waiting for my friends at Waterloo station, on Thursday evening. After receiving an espresso in a cardboard cup, i queried why i was forced such. I was angry with Costa, but then elated when it was confirmed that these cups were recyclable! I also ended up speaking Italian with the Italian barista. I know that there are around 52% of people who disagree, but i feel that Italians make the best coffee!

A week, today...
7 days until...

100 years since Russian Revolution…
People can overpower the elites

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