Friday, 20 January 2017

... Beware

'Hehe, I'm gonna' get run over if I'm not careful! Hehe!'
'Are you ok? Do you need help to put your hood up?'

Two statements that greeted me early in the week, on the pavement at the front of my flat. A woman giggled as she leapt out of the way of an automobile. She chuckled to herself as she sarcastically offered the statement, as if she was joking about the terrible possibilities, to a 'poor man in a wheelchair'.
The second statement given to me, was an honest offer to help a disabled man. He annoyed me though, as I experienced the fact that anyone can assume that I have very little ability at all. It wasn't even that cold!

I am sorry about this post, I follow with notes that I made earlier in the week. Sad, annoyed and extremely frustrated, because I can feel such...
If you don't like it, don't read it!

No matter how hard I try to fit in, I am forever considered as 'different'.  I have to remember that 'I have lived, happily, successfully, before my accident'. I am trying, so hard, to accept that this feeling may never be repeated.

Aaaaaaargh! This is the topic which seems to destroy me. 
I have had to learn to live independently/alone, and I happily do. My twenties have been trashed, and my thirties are in the process of being such. I am scared that I am living, but I am here meaning nothing to nobody.  Zilch.
I don't want that! 
How will a girl ever fall for someone who has had to 'live in care', cannot even walk, and who is reliant on a wheelchair? 32!!!!! :(

Unfortunately, I believe in a God and fate. I am not religious, so i know things just happen. I know that I must wait, I cannot force anything. However, I am waiting forever??...

This belief that I have relied on previously needs to be called on, now.

Gym - trough time
Monday morning was a 'psychological punishing'. So, I have allowed my 'low fitness ability at the Gym' to be twisted into a positive. To have peaks in the year, you must have lows or 'troughs'. Summer time is when many people love the outdoor weather, eat strictly, train aerobically, and 'peak' fitness. Christmas, mid-winter is the opposite!

Almost mid-way through the book,  I read a section with which I agreed totally.
Caroline Lucas, ‘Honourable Friends’, pg 107

I am in such strong support of this message, I have already photographed the print, posting it on Instagram. I hailed it highly.
'The most important paragraph that you'll ever read'.

Personally, I believe that the biggest issue to be tackled as toughly as possible, is this global-climate-shift that we are beginning to notice. 

We are so incredibly lucky to be alive, on planet earth. We have a duty as part of the human-race, to try our upmost, to prolong this existence of humans, far, into many future generations.

I do not want to be one of the ‘generation of failures’. Life is too special. We cannot rely on a government, who will exist for only 5 years, in one country! The problem is too big.

We need a mental-shift of a population’s attitude. I can only hope that such a positive attitude is then mirrored elsewhere around the planet. Once large enough pockets-of-people are found, small changes can have results. Momentum grows, and positive changes are welcomed. The entire world needs to work together, as one. Countries cannot conquer this problem alone.

Please do not fall-backwards, halting these progressives. ‘Enemies of humanity’, do unfortunately exist. People who rule over others, in such a way as to deny the 'saving of humanity', should be considered greedy and deceitful. Beware. 

1 comment:

  1. Im very impressed with your blog Patrick. ( Your a brain box!). Good to see you in the gym as always;)We know you love working out hi hi. Keep them positive thoughts coming. We never know what's around the corner in this life!
