Friday, 30 September 2016


I cross the road, Woah!
A car, but it's ok!!
As ever, I acknowledge 'THANK YOU!!'
'Alright, I saw you way back! No need to be SO F***ING CRABBY!'
Woah, I am startled by his language, offer an apology, as I leave, on my way I am left to relive what just happened.
I realise that I always thank vehicles for stopping, allowing me to cross. Hmmm. 


I was bedazzled by some childish wonder, when ordering a 'Syphon Filtered Black Coffee'. My journey had been from Surbiton to 'The New Row Espresso House' (just outside of Covent Garden). By offering what I hail as the 'best espresso', this place was now the correct coffee shop to allow to serve a beverage from a Syphon filter.
The smoothest coffee that I have ever had. A successful experiment. Too special to drink regularly.

Coffee blog in production - Independent Coffee-Shops
Promotion of independent coffee shops, continues with this blog that I have produced. A blog is for continuous updates, so this is only in an initial stage at the moment.
Rule. I no longer tarnish my coffee with milk. I had taught myself to taste the beauty of coffee. However my morning habit will not be changed away from a 'pre-breakfast espresso macchiato'!

If anyone can, I can

I need this self-confidence, living a life that forever seems cut-off from others'.
Monday morning. 7.30am, a different world…
Monday morning, I attend a fitness gym, providing a good aerobic work-out  right at the beginning of the week. I experience a whole different world to my usual weekday (which would be similar stuff, but an hour later. 7.30am, people are suited and ready for their train to central London, a 9-5, then an evening/night life...
This is how I presume, people 'in the real world' live. I am left to force myself to recognise that 'everything balances'. 
It is a complete head**** if I think about this too much.

I feel cut off from reality. People live 'normal' lives, which I do partly similarly. There are some elements that I enjoy, however 'recovery' is not entirely in my hands. There are things in life that I miss, and have missed for 519 weeks. To feel romance, to be loved. I just continue.

Why I love blogging.

I have feelings, thoughts, emotions that I must off-load, but I do not want to tell anyone directly (I don't feel strong enough to). However, the thoughts are noted down on my phone, then copied, published for the entire world to view, at the end of the week!

Recycling, no incentive is a good incentive!
‘StinkyInk’ scheme deserves praise.
My print cartridge needed replacing, I buy one off website 'StinkyInk'. As ever, it arrives soon in the post, with an extra envelope/wrap. The idea being that you can recycle your old ink cartridge. I am unsure whether there is an incentive scheme as there is none advertised. I quickly understand that people should not need an incentive to recycle! I am cross with myself for searching for one!

To Bear Sir posted on Twitter:
'wrote this tonight…'

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