Friday, 24 June 2016

four letters

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa !!

My blog posts are always typed over notes that I have made throughout the previous week, so are chronological rather than ordered by importance!
It interests me to review how my mood has altered throughout the seven days. This past week peeked midweek.

'My life just gets worse' said a girl in a pair,  making friends with two random guys.
Sitting, quite contently, alone in the cafe, when I had my attention distracted by two lonesome girls who were immediately pounced upon by two other male students, already in the cafe. Alone, I observed all four with self-awareness.
Anger was felt, as I realised that there is still so much that I miss out on, able to, or not. I have had to learn how to live life under a range of constrictions. I have the determined ability to teach myself individual ways around these 'constrictions', but no-one feels my experience.
The sad girl has no right to claim such a pessimistic view.

I get home. One immediate solution...
Jeff Buckley loud!
Eternal life

I feel lost and lonely. I apologise about the negativity of recent blog posts. I keep true to this blog, and just express myself honestly.

I have lost. I have tried to remain forever positive, managing to for the last ten years.  Now, I have no reason to. Magic girlfriends in magic jobs for magic lives do not exist. I AM NOT A MAGICIAN!

Satisfied mind
One thing’s for certain...

Midway through the week, I receive an email explaining that some work is required...

I realise how low I had been feeling, and felt the need to cite 'positivity maintenance'.

How to maintain positivity...
Convince yourself that everything that is supposed to happen, happens.  Examples can be reflected on, and your path of fate traced, recognised and belief, strengthened.
Keep these thoughts to yourself, no one can understand your mind fully. 
You should not try and predict future accurately, just remain confident in your beliefs. The results will prove your strength, to you. More self-confidence!

It is thursday evening, and we may be facing the apocalypse come 7am tomorrow morning. I am referring to the possibility of a B***t electoral victory. In my eyes it is a swearword so i ban it from this blog!

Anyway, moving on I check the notes that i have made this week, and i notice an interesting pattern over recent times. I become a lot more content, and satisfied as my week progresses 
(so it seems).

A democracy can never fail. Right?
A utilitarian approach to politics must provide the correct answer. However if possible answers are failures, aiming to cheat the system, then problems will occur.
A nationwide referendum, is the fairest 'system', unfortunately not all possible answers were lawful.
Results. This country has made a horrendous mistake.  
I pity those who think we have the best conclusion. 

a mistake!

Nigel Farage tells Good Morning Britain that £350 million a week for the NHS was a 'mistake'

four letters ****!

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