Friday, 6 May 2016

Anticipation... (part A)

May 6

My first note is describes something of supreme importance. Something to which around everything else revolves. Supreme power.
Sun on May 1st
I feel an uneasy smile induced
I am delighted by the sunny weather, around us in the past week. At first I wore an uneasy smile due to having the inbuilt knowledge that an opposite to EVERYTHING, exists somewhere at sometime. By experiencing such good weather, means that our experience of 'normal' weather will be more negative.

I am English, therefore I always discuss the weather, first off. I alarm myself as weather discussion even precedes celebration of a new Radiohead track, this week! 

I am not 18 anymore. Times have changed, and my life has changed, and I was not told of this by Thom Yorke on Twitter, or through the Radiohead website, but through a Facebook friend (thank you Mark)!

May Day Bank Holiday, 1 year ago…
I recognised whilst at 'our stand' this year, that it was a year ago that I had joined the Green Party, leafleting in central Kingston. I remember, last year, noticing the leaflets that I was giving out and setting myself a future target for my design-work.

Mission accomplished (and surpassed).

My second newsletter was handed out.
SWL newsletter pic spring16

Whilst on the topic of 'politics', my next note satisfies me. People who choose to vote for him, deserve no respect at all.
discourteous school-kid / piece of ****

I voted yesterday, for Sian Berry. As you all probably realise, I am a keen/strong supporter. I did not place a secondary vote as I explained that I wouldn't previously, on this blog. I admit though that I wish I had given my secondary choice to Sadiq. I cannot bear the thought of Zac Goldsmith, especially as Mayor! I have to try so hard to hide this disgust, if talking to a supporter. No results yet, but I await with great anticipation.

The Kills - Heart of a dog album 3rd June :)

My inability to plan for anything which I have dreamt for in my life, saddens me. I have to live for ‘now’. I have done so for the past ten years. Good things happen, bad things happen, but I still find it very hard to be unable to plan anything. I was always quietly confident of having a successful love-life, but now, five-years on from my rehabilitation-home, living independently, and STILL NOTHING!
Yes, I can make ‘friends’, easy, but nothing else. I look in the mirror and am not surprised. People should able to look in the mirror and find themselves attractive.  

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