Friday, 1 April 2016


It is April 1st and I rapidly got my 'April fools', out of the way, pre 9am. Stefano (Amici artist of the greatest cappuccino), was stunned and confused by my 'disappointment' of his Macchiato. Hmmm, I don't know whether they do 'April fools' in Italy!

My main mission this week, set by myself, is to promote our necessity of voting in this year's election. Please vote.
We are so lucky to live in a democratic society. Thousands of people have died, pushing for a fair society. There still are many, many who suffer, living without such a human right. We must not take it for granted. 
Vote for what you believe in. If you don't, you fail democracy. 
On 5th May, Londoners can vote for their Mayor. Maybe not as senior a position as a 'PrimeMinister of a National government', however such local power is of high importance, in England's capital. Mark a first and second choice for London mayor, on the Pink ballot paper.

Part of the beauty of this election, is our right to vote on three polls, on three different ballot papers. All can be considered as highly important. 5th May also gives us an opportunity to vote on an Orange ballot paper. Although this is not for a singular mayoral candidate, this Orange paper allows us to elect members of the London Assembly. London is subdivided up into sections, allowing twenty-five  elected members to create a 'London Assembly'. It is the job of the Assembly to influence and affect the London Mayor's decision, on anything relevant.

The third paper that we can vote on is again for the London Assembly. The Yellow ballot paper asks for voters to select a London-wide candidate to be part of the London Assembly.

The website below provides more information on the London Election.

I visited City Hall on Wednesday, to get some photographs...

I want everyone to vote for their beliefs.
I know that I promote the London Elections, and I also promote my beliefs.  I decided, last year, before the national 'General Election', that I am independent and experienced enough, to carefully choose which political party, to back. I joined Kingston Green Party. I soon started being a valued part of SouthWest London Greens, a 'publications officer'. As such, I strongly value the friendship that I have made with Andree Frieze. A truly inspirational, extremely hard working, amazing lady, whose belief's I seem totally allied with. 
I work mainly for London Green Party, designing parts that are needed London-wide, but I do not discount, forget, or ignore valuable points of my route. I consider my continuing work used by the political party, extremely valuable. I am very proud.
A continuation of my honesty shown, I share a poster  which is heavily influenced by my design used by Sian Berry, but adjusted, promoting Andree Frieze as a candidate for the London Assembly.
Vote for Greens on the Orange ballot paper ;)

Everyday reality strikes me. The more I witness 'normal' people living 'normal' lives, it hurts to be reminded of the most basic things, that I cannot do. I am missing the ability to hold hands with someone (a major stumbling block for having a girlfriend). No girlfriend means no wife means no children means no future..?
I envisage that you are now telling me off for thinking like this, but it is how my mind works!
Ok, children is a whole different subject that is not suitable to discuss online with you strangers. However, before marriage comes romance. I have not been in a romantic relationship with anybody for a decade!
Must I continue living in this void?
This pain will forever weigh down on me, has done for the past decade. I see no end. The worst thing is that I believe my free will is seriously limited, I have to sit and wait like a fool.
Shit happens.
I know that I cannot suddenly accelerate my physio rehab process. I cannot walk, I have tried so hard to accept this, and i think that i do. I continue learning, but I have to accept that i cannot rush. What I cannot accept is witnessing opportunities in life that I see others taking, but I have had no choice or chance to. I am 31! The past decade has warped my life so badly. OK, everyone is old in their eyes, but part of my broken brain is still that of a 22 year old. There is so much i want to do before i get to 32. OK, ok, there is always time. However, ability? No, I lose that as well.

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