Friday, 8 April 2016

This is how it feels...

I open this week, with music that is delightfully hidden on Angel Olsen's first album. I call it 'hidden', as I was unaware of her history. I only discovered her through last year's album, 'Burn Your Fire For No Witness'.

Half Way Home [Angel Olsen, 2012]

Silence expected of a wheelchair user crossing the road 
As it seems that  plenty of car drivers presume that all wheelchair users are mute, it gives me great pleasure to shock them, when I loudly shout my gratitude to them, as I cross in front! I believe that I have due reason, to ALWAYS let a car have a 'right of way'.   

More music.
No surprises when guessing who I am promoting here. A long-time fan, I was surprised by my lack of love of his previous release. This, however has rebuilt the faith for me. A strong lead single from his forthcoming album. Catchy, very catchy tune :)

Thank you Richard.

I am currently writing this a bit later than usual, as I was concentrating on work this morning. I think I am still unfinished. The blog post below provides a display, as an example of pieces that I am currently doing for the Green Party. Sian Berry's stand for the London Mayoral position, is so impressive, and personally, I urge you to show her respect by understanding what you vote for.
EasyRead manifesto below
Corporate Identity uneasiness
I completed the 'Easy Read Manifesto' , but was always unsure of the balance between corporate identity/information  clarity. 

My friend Eileen is very passionate about our society & the changes that could be implemented to improve our current situation, financially & environmentally. I told her, that her mindset, views & the way she spoke from the heart was amazing, delightful and reflected that of some members of the Green Party. She was touched and said it was one of the most meaningful compliments she'd ever heard. 

I am deeply saddened when I look in the mirror, and I see what the world sees of me. This is why I have chosen to try and maintain pride in my thoughts.  I have lived in a wheelchair for almost a decade, I know that i am different to whom I was pre-14October 2006, but my mind still behaves similarly. Ohhhh mental strength is needed. Mental strength is all I have. It will continue to be used.

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