Friday, 22 April 2016

ahem... ;)

I open this week, with the above link to some amazingly, beautiful and very stirring music. Diane Birch is one of my heroes, a big fan, I have loved all of her albums, opening with the amazing debut 'Bible Belt', through to her latest 'Nous' (released earlier this year).

Facebook unexpected wonders!
Many of this audience may be 'friends' on Facebook. Below, I provide two 'unexpected wonders', comments in which I am praised/thanked, but they came as a complete surprise, brightened my mood superbly. Thank you Andree, and Diane!
 'Prodigious', ahem...

Unsurprisingly, my next note talks about my coffee choice.
Darker roast chosen, less caffeine, still Colombian : )
It should be noted, however, that whilst I type this post, I am lucky enough to taste one of the best coffees I have EVER had. A short, double-shot cappuccino. Thank you Wayne of Hussar's Espresso House.

I am currently 'wheelchair-living', but I want to confirm that I still have the mind of a cyclist. To be fair, Boris Johnson did help initiate this City's tolerance of cycling. Sir Bradley Wiggins showed his sporting success, to great appeal for the public and citizens of this Capital.
I have always known of the sustainable efficiency, of the bicycle. I feel that I will always consider it as the supreme. Slowly, very slowly, people are catching on too. 
Sian Berry's superb stance on this political issue, has been correctly confirmed by many electoral reviews.
BBC Radio 4 - - 52 minutes in for 5 mins!

Elderly people are wheelchair hazards! They demand 'right of way'!!
Music, coffee, cycling, politics, and I finish this post talking about 'Wheelchair issues'. The other day, it was re-affirmed for me that elderly pedestrians are extremely hazardous to wheelchairs (more so than pet dogs)!  At least canines have a rapid reaction. Dogs can hear things, and generally speaking, their awareness is understandable. Some elderly pedestrians, not all, demand priority. Many do not, giving a wheelchair initial priority, but occasionally they act appallingly.

This afternoon I received a response from James Berry MP. He has told me that he will respond with a letter regarding my issue with Alan Duncan (who knows what that means?) Strangely, I received an 'email receipt' following my original email (dated 17 March), yet he denies having ever received it. Hmmmm.

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