Friday, 19 February 2016

to destroy it is a crime

Hello, I hope that you are well, and first rays of 2016 sun have shone well on you today!
I open positively, opposing my initial, angry, negative note...

Surbiton Station
7 months!! :(
Very little pisses me off, but...!

I am told by station staff that "the lift will not be ready, in March, but April!." It has been out of action since September, last year. The station is inaccessible without it. Six months is an extremely long time, but now they have chosen an even longer time.

But that's ok because people will just have to climb the staircase, instead. No?... Oh forget about wheelchairs and buggies, we'll lay on a special bus service instead. Oh, there will be people to help buggies up stairs!

The above paragraph explains how I feel that SouthWest Trains must think.

I check again the following day, to get the correct company's name...
It is 'South West Trains' who are to blame! I am told that it is South West Trains who own the station. Therefore most of my disappointment can be attributed to South West Trains. The worst thing is, mixed messages. It clearly embarrasses them, to tell me the truth, so they don't!

I have to change the subject, as such a simple thing stresses me far too much. Music. I realise that it has been a while since I introduced a new discovery. Vok are 'new' for me, however the music was released last year. An Icelandic rock band... A spooky cross between Bjork and Sigur Ros, could be a fair description of the celestial sweeps backing an husky female vocal flow. I like.

I was feeling troubled earlier in the week, so typed...

Double espresso helps me speak the deep, scary truth...
My very relaxed, 'laissez-faire' attitude, is the way I have been forced to think, for the past decade. It has given me something to fall-back on, when reality upsets me, but... '****ing *ell! PLEASE!?!'
I have hundreds of 'acquaintances', but no-one, no-one, NO-ONE. I have coped for ten years. Online dating is an impossibility. 1 date in 5 years! No one. I have friends whom it always hurts, when asked for the truth. I have incredibly high standards, as my past knows what real love is. Fate played it's horror. I just sincerely hope that Liz is well.

Maybe I should go and look at the Marble Arch.
(this is a new edit version, not as wonderful as album version on 'Grace')

I was amused by the radio this morning (wednesday) told by 6music news that two of the richest 'coffee shop chains’, have been slammed for serving up coffee drinks with too much sugar in
No surprises. Costa, Starbucks, McDonalds etc, mustn’t be considered as ‘cafes’. A ‘cafe’ is a venue which serves coffee! English people are dangerously close to be being as lazy as Americans. Most cannot be bothered to search for a good coffee. As long as it is cheap and available ‘on-the-go’, their drink will suffice. If it has a chocolate flake (or rainbow-coloured hundreds-and-thousands) stuck in the lard on top, they’ll probably pay more for it. 
Is it really news that these places are not coffee vendors, but money-grabbing corporate multi-nationals?
Wake up people. Have a black coffee, on it’s own. Simple and effective. Coffee is beautiful, to destroy it is a crime.

Design can induce competition.
I admit, that by some of those closest to me, I may be seen as competitive, occasionally. Positively, this competitiveness hurt me so much during my early rehab. It drove me forward, and I am able to recognise that my self-confidence/self-belief is a necessary skill of a designer. Developed largely, throughout my university life, fellow design graduates will agree. When your whole degree relies on your creations, you have self-belief, and self-confidence develops alongside. Your entire qualification revolves around your ability to create something unique. Design (both 2d and 3d), relies on both the creative, and rational abilities. You must be confident of what you produce. Competitiveness exists alongside this.

Celebration of Federico Bernadeschi's equalising goal against Spurs, for Fiorentina, last night ;)

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