Friday, 4 September 2015

Why don't you tell like it really is?

I open with a smile super tune that is playing at the moment in the cafe whilst I write this.  Quite apt, but actually, unfortunately tells of liars!
Mr Writer (acoustic link)

I immediately follow with a video of my hero, Michele Bartoli. I was only thirteen at the time of this key success (1998 Liege-Bastogne-Liege). The same year, I bought the jersey etc, although still on a mountain-bike (I didn't graduate to my beloved Bianchi road bike until 2002)!

I refused to miss viewing him racing in London. I got the jersey signed by him at The Tour of Britain 2003 :) !!!

I have always been a fan of water (drinking water).
All of my life, the above fact has been true. I always thought that I used to only drink it out of necessity as a cyclist, it is only really now that I begin to sense the benefits of keeping well hydrated! Coffee dehydrates :(

An unusual, but incredible music offering this week.
Nils Frahm & Olafur Arnalds

A mad story.
I approach a crossing...
An oncoming cyclist is approaching, slowing, and waving me across!
'I have to cross here, it's far too scary to turn off the road'!!!!
That is right, the woman was cycling on the road, and she wanted to turn right. She didn't want to cross oncoming traffic, so she continued until a zebra crossing (where I was). She walked across then cycled back down the road until she turned-off to the left. I was left extremely irritated. A middle-aged woman, confident enough to cycle, but not confident of cycling amongst traffic. I was being harsh, but it just reiterated to me that cyclists are 'below' cars, in everyone's hierarchy.

There are worse places to be stuck...

Summer's gone. It rains (any season). It was too heavy to be outside, smiling. I predicted the heavy shower, so close to home, but not in the mood for the risk. The espresso was welcome.

It is always good to have a dream-like goal that is possibly part-unknown, but realistically attainable. I know how far I have come, and most of you will tell me to stop dreaming too much. However, I am lucky, I have been placed on a journey of improvement. I don't know on which paths my fate takes me (no-one does), but I have learnt to accept this. I keep thinking that I have found my pathway, but only time will tell! :)
Be happy. Be content, but let your fate choose your path. Fighting against fate causes sadness and despair. Learn to accept, love and respect your fate.
Thank you Christian D Larson

but... No. 1

I stopped as I began to realise how stupid I must have looked!
The note above was made yesterday. I was finishing my lunch after physiotherapy, I was in a big cafe/lunch bar in Kingston. After finishing, I knew that my empty tray, drinks bottle, food packaging etc, was to be cleared away by a member of staff. I was horrified as I realised that my tray will probably be collected and all contents were likely to be swept away together into a generic refuse bin. No no no no no! NO! I panicked at the thought, but realised that there was little that I could do. I didn't want this issue to be ignored, I took the time to carefully sort my rubbish into different piles, according to material. The likelihood is that this made no difference at all, but maybe at least it made someone aware of my thoughts, and the human-necessity of recycling!

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