Friday, 17 April 2015

a load of rubbish

Nihls Frahm (click)

I begin with good, very soothing, instrumental music that I discovered this morning, through BBC 6music. My plan is for you to listen, whilst reading this post...

My plan is such, because I attempt to relax you whilst reading my first note...
Bin bags
I have since, sent this email to Waitrose, and spoken twice on the telephone. Their very helpful customer service allow me to use the company names...

I want to begin by providing you with support and thanking Waitrose for the brilliance that is offered.
I was just carrying out a ‘weekly supermarket visit’, this morning, at my home Waitrose. I live in Surbiton, Surrey. 
I had cited my need for some bin bags, whilst creating my shopping list this morning. For a long time, I have been very careful  as to which products are purchased depending on ethics involved. My history of working in Sustainable Design has taught me a wonderful list of moral values. This attitude has forced me to write this email. 
I shop. I reach the correct aisle, and successfully locate the bin bags. At first glance, I am given a wealth of choice. A spectral array of coloured labels…

I look closer, and i am offered a range of prices, sizes, colours, however all are non-recyclable polymer! There are expensive, recyclable food bags for composting, and there are ‘garden-waste’ paper bags (hidden), but no recyclable (or recycled, or bio-degradable bin bags).
I have to buy some, so standard polymer ones are bought. I am left feeling hurt and disillusioned. There are not even any bio-degradable polymer bags. Once used, I will be littering the  earth forever (not out of choice)!

I have  to search closely to find my only choice. 15 expensive, refuse bags containing just 40% recycled plastic! You are advertising this as a positive! How is this possible? 40% means that 60%(most) isn’t! Shocking. 

OK, in the afternoon, I decide to check competition. Sainsbury’s, the one other supermarket in Surbiton. I enter expecting similar news, but am overwhelmed on finding the positive attitude…

A similarly vast array of bin bags available (all on flat shelves, please excuse poor photography). Shouting at me from the middle are green boxes containing recycled plastic bin-bags (they do exist)!

I take a closer look, to find a statement on every bin bag package, that they are 100% recycled polymer.

Impressive, but not really. This shows just how poor Waitrose have been.
I am sorry to show this negative attitude. I have already warned a potential bin-bag customer, out of Waitrose and into Sainsburys. I don’t want to feel the need to do this, but I believe in good ethics.

I should also warn that I will publish this email onto my blog at the end of the week. My blog gets a small viewing, about 600 pageviews per month, but it goes public…

Will you do something about this issue. Should I delete company names from the ‘blog edition’?
Patrick Goodacre"

So I went straight into original supermarket and successfully advised customers against this potential purchase!
So.... I went in search of management, and was given head office contact addresses. Email was sent, phone calls made, but... 

awaiting response

A current favourite...

A good image found via Team Sky's account on Instagram.
Shimano Dura-Ace deep rims on a Pinarello (I am surprised that Italian brand Pinarello, do not use Campagnolo?)

I survived comfortably, but was left severely angered, yet amused by my controversial reaction.
I wait at traffic lights. Cars stop. Green man. I cross.
'Woah! Woah?!!'
A motorbike jumps forward, out of the traffic, into the crossing!
I look at him after exclamation. I stare at him. The boy, looks like an over-eager boy-racer. Not a proper motorbike. I didn't understand why he attempted to break the law, acting like an arrogant ****.
So I pouted my lips and blew him a kiss.

Problem. Wednesday evening, I discovered that my coffee grinder had died.
Sad story :( it had served me so well.
I go in search the next day. Time must be taken if purchasing a proper machine, so I opt for a cheaper alternative.
Manual coffee grinder - extended foreplay?
A manual grinder was bought. Cheaper, and much more semantic. I now feel much more 'part of the coffee'. A lot more romantic!

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